[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Yeah, activity is not indicative.

because I feel like so far
he hasnā€™t done much
half the people have him as null (like me) and the other half SR him
and heā€™s just way detached w/ weird points here and there

like is it just a PoE-ed info-lynch for D1 or did someone have a genuine scumcase somewhere

I generally think activity is NAI, unless itā€™s proven to be AI. People have a life.


Heā€™s actually kinda wolfy as heā€™s been just reactive to the game.

Like, he really hasnā€™t done much unprompted and he just shows up when people ask questions to him or prod him on.

Silviuā€™s posting patterns kind of are more villagery as heā€™s going at his own pace more often than not.

Partially both.

Everyone else has something going for them while Pidgeon really hasnā€™t.

I think actually it was less activity and more ā€œhave you subbed out yetā€ :thinking: but since Silviu herself said itā€™s NAI then itā€™s NAI I guess

lemme go back to pigeon

Indeed, but at the same time you need posts to be read out off.


crii Iā€™m sorry

Posting enough to be read off of depends on the player TBH. Some can have quality in a few posts, and others can have fluff in numerous posts. So, it still comes down to quality over quantity. Not activity.

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Iā€™m not sure why Iā€™ve been considered a girl by many people now but sure, I donā€™t mind. :hugs:

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what would be your association reads if he flips mafia tho


So looking back on it, all I can say is that you started the slap fight that descended into some massive back-and-forth quote wall argument.

Psyx started with her readlist:

But then you picked it apart, and I think that was the point where she bothered to make that giant ISO wall on you.

Reading her post on you, I disagree that itā€™s IIOA. All the points are there to support her original read on you. She had already done the analysis in her readlist. Sheā€™s just providing supporting points. I think thatā€™s potentially where you might be getting the IIOA vibes from.

Anyways, I still think sheā€™s town.

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Voted Voters Count
Pigeon Chloe, Cream, Alice, Apelsin, Ruri 5/7
Centuries Psyx, Silviu 2/7
Silviu Centuries 1/7
Alice Pigeon 1/7
Vulgard Marl 1/7
Ruri Vulgard 1/7
Not voting LiL, Wazza 2

Ping Arctic and Eli if there are any errors.

EoD is 2021-08-29T22:00:00Z

I feel like he hard spewed Chloe/Psyx both V if heā€™s wolf for thinking that sheā€™s the legit cop.

The partner comment on Centuries felt weird and Iā€™d probably double-check Centā€™s slot if that happens.


whyā€™s Centuries being voted

is it for sounding super antagonistic when he came back today

L-2. I might not be here for EOD but Iā€™m committing a vote.

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: I was just about to type this theory

Umā€¦ Iā€™m actually reactive to everything and even in PJO though.

I mean, Iā€™m not sure exactly what you see in me even if you actually put many reasonings in there, which I appreciate, thanks.