[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Quick glance at Cream and it’s basically no real wolfreads except me so I guess we’re SMILERS now

Vulgard/Marl may have a wolf, it’s kinda deeper level of read but basically if I were to die/get greenchecked it may have been way Cream would have went so now I’m thinking Alice

I think Vulgard had a super townie POV early on
Marl IDK? Meta makes me think V because of those random tunnels but he doesn’t really believe in them, potentially a wolf all things considered

I don’t even think this is why Cream died but I’m sorta biased

Personally think finding the cop is top prio for wolves over trying to implicate people
Longer they’re alive the more clears they can get and the more :package: boxed in :package: wolves are

I’m not incredibly interested in using Cream’s reads as a strong reason for anyone to be a wolf, but I do think there’s merit in looking into why she had her reads regardless - especially those on the people she’s most familiar with imo

The preflip read from Alice is sketch
And I have another read on her but I’m going to wait to let it simmer for like ~12ish hours or so
But I see where you’re coming from tbh

N1 Wazza V by the way

I mean yeah duh

part of the reason why I think Alice mayyyy be a wolf for how she just tried so hard to spew herself as not the Cop somehow

I believe in shitty plans to spew yourself as PR/Not PR

I don’t believe in legit anger outbursts (especially agaisnt Marl? seems pretty random, I was more pressing here) when they’re playing into your hand

Okay I know I told Marl to shut up about copreads but

Alice’s n1 “check” is absolute shit lol
The coincidence of checking the SHC player and someone who wasn’t in the check pool to begin with is godawful


Something I want known in my legacy is that Marl/Alice W/W is possible like don’t clear Alice because she got angry at Marl when it seemed very unwarranted

Like they legit murdered thread WIM by doing that

When cop cover turns into “protect wolves because i townread them 5 minutes into the game” it is the ones providing cover who are being anti-town, not the one trying to kill the wolves

It’s worldbuilding. I already have a pretty good towncore with my peeks+Marl+LiLi+Psyx so making W/W and not W/W reads is basically how I’m forming a team. Better than you just going “OMG, IT’S SILVIU, IT’S SILVIU!” and not bothering to townhunt or wolfhunt.

you are not reading the game

It’s less this and you have less going for you than many players here.

Marl is never a wolf imo

He’s well outside his scumrange

literally no one could look at me finding vulgard as a wolf yesterday and go “marl doesn’t believe in this”

you are not reading the game and are pulling shit out your ass

Duh. The more the cop lives the more likely the wolves get boxed in.

I don’t think Conroy’s NKA is actually legit, tbfh.

Oh and now I’m getting ganged up on lmfao

Maybe I should just ask to be lynched and gamethrow?

Last time I had someone use a “your outbursts are killing WiM” argument against me, they were wolves.

Am I?

You’ve made a pretty awful read on me, I look to the sides, not much better

And I’m a villager

make real reads

have i mentioned that this setup sucks