[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

You’ve done jack shit other than scream “ALICE/SILVIU W/W” here.

I’m at least worldbuilding and double-checking my TRs.

Amazing arguments such as “A wolf did this in the past” and “You’re not reading the game” (When I am)

woooooow guys!!

yeah sure :>

Conroy rq whats your read on me

Pity reading you V because at least ure not being an ass

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Who are your villagers and why are they villagers?

Who are your wolves and why are they wolves?

Vulgard had a post early on that I don’t believe wolves make!!
Lili formulates her posts in a very villagery way and I’ve seen her wolf in the past and she looked way more frozen!!
I’m sheeping Cream on Psyx!!!

Silviu did way less than Pigeon and is getting away with way more than him, moreover the way EOD went it was really strange how he got no pushback
You’re literally hardpushing a random agenda using very weak points and then you just post it all in a wa that only serves to make me angry!!


temptation to v-read this post is high wont lie

Right, can you calm down? Zone yesterday was enough tilt for this game.

Which one?

Meh, I don’t disagree here and the tonal read that Marl’s giving him is meh. Silviu hasn’t done much and to strongly V-read him over it is… kinda dumb.

You are enough tilt for this game

Can you move on from this?



I wanna discuss Appel/Wazza, but…

/vote Silviu

Cop games fucking suck, tbfh.

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i guess i should just be straight up that my n1 is vul green

Silviu’s technically a safe yeet being that they spewed themselves non-cop earlier on as well.

Oh, and FTR the check is real.

I checked you as you were basically the most V-likely player outside my towncore. I’m trying to get clears here, so weh.

oh good there’s no chance of you being a villager who is just low efforting then
you’re just a wolf

/vote Centuries