[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Just saying. Hammer Silviu/Wazza/Cent and the game should be locked tomorrow after I explain everything that’s going on.

They look the lowest on my readlist and here I need to ask misty more questions and I’m honestly slacking at deciding what questions.

Night 2 has ended…

Alice has died! They were:

Yes but WHY do they look the lowest on your readslist?
What questions do you need to ask Misty?

Sorry but Alice, why aren’t you worried about you dying?

Mafia Goon

All part of my plan.

Mafia Wagonbomber

Because the others are more green than the others.

I need to ask Misty questions where I would be able to deduce her allignment, I’m only voting her because she’s the only null I have besides Alice/Wazza

How do you feel about everyone scumreading Centuries when responding to Alice’s experiment? Alice and Mist have a somewhat high thread presence, so do you think they would let that happen if there are others in the PoE? How does this world make sense?

Also, how do you feel about Chloe being SHC’d? Why was Cream killed then?

Why do you have only one strong scumread?


Why are you asking me instead of just posting it? The more you pad your post numbers with fluff the more it’s difficult to ISO you, geez.

@Vulgard why’d you vanish? Do you have no comments on my latest posts at all?

i’m trying to figure out what alice is doing
i should probably just ignore it

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re you vs silviu i’m letting you interrogate him
i honestly don’t parse anything he’s saying

Just ignore it, it’s not helpful.

What are your reads currently? Have any changed whatsoever?

You will know it once Silviu/Centuries/Wazza have been hammered and I explain it tomorrow.

i’m also quite busy so i’m only half here

I’m not being hammered, that would be stupid so

but we can’t hammer three players today :pensive: