[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

@Mistyx did you finish breakfast

Um, they arenā€™t in the mood are they :joy:

Whatā€™d I do? :sweat_smile:

And I mean, the issue Iā€™m having is that in that first wallpostā€¦ I only saw 1 thing that could half-count as scummy-ish. At least, it was a little confusing. Iā€™ll look at your other one in a sec, I guess. I dunno if I can pour in another 2 hoursf or it tho but Iā€™ll read it again

That aside,

Donā€™t you think he would count asā€¦ circumstantially (?) town, at least?

Literally everyone in the thread scumread him
He was literally top wagon for a while, Iā€™m pretty sure
He and Silviu were tied in the lead for literally like 8 hours

His WiM drop, while very icky, might not indicate scumminess either

Unless the team is like exactly him/Silviu/?? someone else in the consensus PoE, with the whole team being stuck there, thereā€™s no reason for mafia to be this unmotivated when only town has died so far and everythingā€™s a mess and like everyoneā€™s TR-ed


mainly itā€™s just
I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything very scummy
And I feel like I relate to many of his posts mindset-wise

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Appel, I hope you arenā€™t doing any foul play while writing your defense and POE :eyes:

His behavior, I mean Iā€™m no psychologist to speak or anything but in my subjective opinion I believe Centuries did things that werewolf motivated, he didnā€™t look like he wants to cooperate with people at all, why?

nvm this wasnā€™t a wallpost and it was covered earlier

him changing reads is fine imo
I think you greatly overestimated the confidence he had in locking in reads

btw I think that the Vulgard post could count as a SoC thing or whatever

like it probably seems hedgey a little but thatā€™s true for all SoC posts (it just shows thought process and everything)

Which ones?

You see Lil, one of the reasons why Iā€™m having doubts, is that you donā€™t have any scumleans at all, aside from Alice in D1.

And youā€™ve been defending Centuries since D1.

whatā€™s your opinion on Appel?
I guess I kinda saw you wanting Centuries dead as a self-pres thing, so now that you guys are tied 3v3v3, I was confused as to why you wanted Centuries only dead and not Appel

what things were mafia motivated again?

and ye, bad moods do create uncooperative mindsets
I donā€™t like his later postsā€™ attitude either

but I do get it because so many people were tunneling/SRing him when he felt it was so obvious that that solve was wrong

nothing is as demotivating as coming in to see the whole thread SRs you tbh

but anyways thatā€™s besides the point

I already said that I was townleaning you, but aside from you voting for Pidgeon and Cream saying youā€™re town, your gameplay now is very different from our past games.

Like, when on earth did you have no scumleans on D2??

the ones I pointed out in my response

like I can see why he would say pretty much everything

I donā€™t feel sheā€™s making illegitimate claims and she tries to solve the game at her own pace and thatā€™s why she voted Psyx even thought I donā€™t know the reason why :joy:

People say here that youā€™re town because your champs game is different, but like, they havenā€™t been playing with you for multiple games, have they?

do you not see Appel

and if I donā€™t feel people are scummy, are you saying I should force reads? ://

But anyway, thatā€™s not really your fault because cold metaā€™s the norm here, I guess.

well Iā€™m defending him now because I think heā€™s town and I donā€™t want him to be lynched, and no oneā€™s made a convincing scumcase yet tbh

Iā€™m saying itā€™s very weird that you donā€™t have any reads at all aside from defending people.