[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!


/vote Appelsiini

Thank you Alice!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

@EliThePsycho @Arctic

Good grief, I feel like I’m in an action movie

Literally none of this reads “Oh hey I got a greencheck on Appel N1”, @Alice where did you get your copread from.

Read this as “Don’t CFD me, I’m the cop.”

Had this here as her softing her checks to me.

AMA, I’m going to sleep in 5 minutes

Since her read on Appel waned then yeah…

wait @Silviu200530 not Psyx

I think only like 1 person has paranoia on her and that’s Appel

and that should be resolved after the flip today if Appel’s mafia (in that case maybe Centuries or one of Appel’s weird reads if you find any)
(if Appel’s town… uhh Centuries is still more widely SR-ed and Psyx is like back up back up choice)

How about we read this, “I’m 0-poster, but I will post a ton on D2”

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Because PRs have a lot of paranoia when being CFD’d to?

This was D1, and anyone can say it and no one will say it at the end of Day 1 as a Cop.

Yeah this one is fair.

I hope this matters in the end

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do you think she could have done that on purpose as a wolf

:joy: :joy: :joy:

I also thought that post was weird tho, fr

By the way, if Appel flips Mafia like I think she will, expect a tunnel on Psyx.


pretty sure they’re W/W

Well, we can’t even lynch Appel because we are 5/6 5/6 which is a tie, fortunately

It’s 4/6 - 5/6 because Alice isn’t on you anymore

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