[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

I could’ve just lurked and let the cop get ML’d.

You were forced to bus Appel as if you didn’t then you’d be outed for ML’ing the cop.

what is going on??

I started the push:(

but I didn’t sheep you and came up with my own reasons and judgement so like >.>

I’m still proud of myself

No, you wouldn’t have and no I wasn’t forced to ML’d Appel as I could’ve stayed silent or hammered Silviu instead, my death, especially if I was low in your PoE, would’ve been better than killing Appel

just lemme be happy kay

I’m proud of you dw

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That was an obvious attempt at distancing and you pretty much completely ignored it until Appel was the only viable CW and then you literally started shading everyone else because it was obvious you’d knew how Appel would flip.

Either way, Alice’s lack of wanting to kill Appel until I forced her hand is wolfy as fuck

If it weren’t for me shifting to Appel at the last second then she’d still be alive and we’d have ML’d the cop.

I had you both as town based off Appel’s flip/interactions

so I dunno guys

Distancing? Mate I started the push and sure it may have been textbook whatever the fuck thing you said but I was correct and I’m not letting you take that away from me. You were wrong about Silviu, and furthermore you’re wrong now. The only reason you voted Appel was because I forced you too, I could’ve accepted some other CFD you offered but I refused. Do you think I would do that as Mafia? No, you don’t think that. Because you are Mafia.

And who was the one who instigated that? Me. So pipe down.


do you remember D1?

Appel had some interactions with Zone I thought were pretty clearing

Doesn’t matter. Wolves can still townside and you did it in a painfully obvious TMI-y way.

My PoE was only wrong because I was doing cop cover. Now it’s p fucking obvious who the last wolves are.

You offered people other than Appel to kill, and I refused, and don’t try to call it a bus, because at that point and how comfortable Appel is able to get in the thread, there’s no reason to bus her.

Not really?

They were pretty weak and the most clearing interactions Appel had were with Mist and Cent.

Ah, did I? No I faked that shit to pretend to be a cop and cover for Silviu leaving wolves with a choice. You’re obvious wolf here, it’s you and Psyx as the final wolves

I only did that because I was reading Phraze as the cop with a check on her SoD2.

Psyx is never wolfing here as she’s extremely polarized.