[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

what do you think about it

If I was Wolf, I couldā€™ve just hammered Silviu, take my own life as a wolf to kill the Cop and another tonight, it gains a mislynch which is more important than bussing another wolf

N1? You didnā€™t know who that refered to until Alice pointed it out EOD right

Ah yes, my push talking about how Appel is trying to act like a Villager too hard was TMIy, was it?

I think theyā€™re both toooown

This was when Alice brought it up, not previously, I believed the Cop claim when it came to it as I had no reason not too

why tho

They literally just posted about it two seconds ago

interactions with Appel, the flipped wolf

and also
I had Alice as town yesterday

Alice is super towny

and she was trying to solve in a dead thread after we already settled on our lynch

Alice deserves to die, no matter her alignment, if sheā€™s Scum, sheā€™s a wolf and the final one is Psyx, if sheā€™s

Town, she deserves it instead of leading us

Not really, because thatā€™d be completely outing you.

But w/e.

There was literally no build-up to it, you just said ā€œOMG, what a wolfy ISOā€, you dropped it completely until Appel was the only viable CW to Silviu, and when that happen you just kept ā€œIā€™LL BE PUT OUT OF THE POE, EVERYONE ELSE CAN BE W/W WITH APPEL.ā€

Like, there was literally zero progression here.

I mean

you were looking for the cop claim before Silviuā€™s claim, no?
what made you discount Phraze before

Goodnight, Iā€™m not having Alice lead people into mislynches each day, none of her pushes so far has been correct and now she suddenly suspects Emilia with no justification and her read on Centuries has suddenly disappeared.

Appel spewed Centuries as V.

I wasnā€™t looking for the cop previously, I didnā€™t care about them, my job wasnā€™t to look for the cop, itā€™s to play the game ignoring it

guys can you ignore each other for now pleaseeee

letā€™s just talk about other people now

She is a pretty good powerwolf so I wouldnā€™t discard her based on that.

What about wazza?

No she didnā€™t, quit pulling the bullshit out of your ass. If she did, explain it, go on.

Appel shaded Wazzaā€™s predecessor Zone and something else I forget

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