[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

I have concerns that you’ve just latched onto the easiest target today and have not been genuinely solving, you’ve just been sponging whatever you can

Hi everyone

I might have covid along with half my dorm so that’s fun

waiting for test results have never been this scary


/vote Ruri @Arctic @EliThePsycho

I’m glad I backread

So the other two

@Alice @Marluxion

care to explain your reads

i have yet to see a vulgard that I agree with this much

I’m stupid, the title was wrong, we never needed the 2nd one. Sorry folks

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update op smh

someone talk to meeeee

this doesn’t look W/W

Also I still think that the me/Wazza contains one wolf = “fair” thing means something and it means that Appel isn’t W/W with Wazza and just wanted to encourage a PoE expansion like that and didn’t put much else thought behind it

Also Cheese is very nice, he feels like a charismatic person XD
His posts today were also pretty towny

who do you think the last two wolves are?

Ruri + ?

But also out of all the posts you quoted only this one is from D2 lol

I’m also down to lynch Emilia today tbh

It’s literally just PoE at this point

Who else could it be?

but also if Appel and Marl were W/W, would Appel really just stop the convo after maybe 3 back-and-forths with a “this is so irritating, weh”

I mean what would be the point of that- it wasn’t even long enough to be good wolf theater (and it would’ve been a good opportunity for it, too), it was just there and useless

can I also say

this looks waaaaaaay better than literally every single other post Ruri has posted this whole game

Like the logic makes sense
I can follow it

I’m not feeling like I’m about to burst with anger and frustration at all

And I am feeling some suspicion ngl lol
It’s tinfoily but yeah

if it’s not Wazza who would you pair Vulgard with?

have you backread it now

you’re definitely not gonna die tonight lol

fwiw he said this too right after the first quote

at this point I’m a bit scared of pinging people and asking them to come talk to me but also like where is Centuries

he’s literally made like 5? 6? posts this entire day so far and I have literally outposted him so like =_=


i don’t understand his sudden flip on wazza

that’s the first time anyone’s ever uttered those words about me


i think i have my answer

this is how we lost FAM so no

look also this feels so genuine lol

:thinking: Marl’s name here gives me pause lol

and looksie if Emilia flips W I think this is another reason why Wazza’s town

ALSO guys I was thinking- you know how Emilia was like “Wazza’s post is kinda towny” after Alice was like “you/Wazza W/W”?

I think Emilia probably knew what was going on and said that on purpose to try to tie Wazza down to her more

@Alice is this the first post Wazza made on Appel in your memory? The start of the “push”?

and then this post was next

honestly it doesn’t look like a sudden random bus

it looks like Appel SR-ed Wazza, that put Appel on Wazza’s radar, and then Wazza ISOed and was like omg O_O

or something like that

I haven’t seen Appel’s posts so lol
and she keeps bringing Appel back, it doesn’t look like an offhandedly parked vote just to gain towncred if Appel later flips

this also doesn’t seem like something you’d say to a scumbuddy tbh

I can see this as some “omg you knew Appel’s mafia so you preflipped like this” but also ehhh

also 3 people asked why :joy:
(marl, ruri, silviu)

but honestly in the face of like everything else idk if it counts as anything really SR-worthy, Alice

and looking back, Wazza was actually pushing Appel/questioning her afterwards too, when Appel came on (tho I didn’t have an impression of it at the time)

what is it?