[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

/vote ruri

alice i think your cloned read is like really really bad

Does this mean u agree with me or is this the usual “cloned being weird so town”

no it means i think your analysis is deeper than it would be as a wolf
also you wouldn’t defend wolfmate emilia like this, it’s common sense to bus her into the dirt
so you’re probably just town

i think all of this is reasonably fakeable and emilia’s posts today are not good

i also like

really hated vul’s push on zone

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Voted Voters Count
Emilia Alice, Marluxion, Ruri 3/6
Ruri clonedcheese 1/6
Not voting Centuries, Lil, Psyx, Emilia, Mistyx 5

Ping Arctic and Eli if there are any errors.

Day ends in ~6 1/2 hours.

you’re reasonably fakable

Could you explain the “not good” posts

Emilia’s done nothing all day, when they subbed in, they acted clueless- like “I don’t know anything”, when she did know some things, and it felt like she was trying to underplay how much she knew when I questioned her. IDK why town would pretend to know nothing like that

basically tl;dr the “know nothing” felt like a cover/excuse to not do anything

like why did I have to be the one to ask her for her already existing read on Alice and prod her to look at EOD2 or at least recall what she remembered of it since she did say she read some of it

she just looked like she didn’t want to be involved at all tbh

also what I’m getting from this is:

  1. you SR Ruri and think they aren’t W/W so Vulgard’s town

  2. Vulgard shows no agenda so town

for point 1…
I’d still rather flip Vulgard first and reconsider Ruri if Vulgard’s town

for point 2, I kinda don’t agree
mainly bc in the past, I’ve gotten TRed for not “showing agenda” as wolf and I think depending on the player, not all wolves play with agendas so like

unless Vulgard’s meta says they are agenda-y as wolf I don’t think it’s a very valid point

*this specifically refers to agenda to push for miselims

Im not the go to person for meta

But for the one game that’s been stuck in my mind

The one i quoted, in which i was alting as calculus

They did the “push for bs then dont take responsibility” maneuver a couple times

I recall them doing the same thing in a later scumgame so that’s just been my perception of wolfgard

The “agenda” i talk about refers to this

Im willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on this (i.e. let them live today and yell at them tomorrow)

Yes they’re inactive but i dont think that in itself overturns my reas on vul

have you made any progress on the ruri + ? who question

what does this mean?

SR a bunch of people but also be like “ahh I’m so confused” (so I can disclaim my reads when the miselim happens)?

Sr one person, get town to vote them, then come back later saying “welp if everyone’s voting them might as well”

because like

here, isn’t it also SR Ruri w/ reasons

the only difference is that it’s not a readlist for everyone and is just about Ruri, and Vulgard isn’t like “ahhh so confused so conflicted”

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where did your post say that