[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Alice probably town

This guy was trying to set me up as a ML when he died :rofl:

Intentional sabotage of rule of 3?

Theater maybe?

Conroyā€™s day 1 sucks he can die first
/Vote Centuries @EliThePsycho

My guy hasnā€™t activated his brain all game whereas when heā€™s town I canā€™t get him to shut the damn thing off

@alice cloned is town your read is bad

Itā€™s Psyx Ruri or Cent
Mow them down with Psyx being last and we win

why are ppl finding frenchboi scummy again ._.

Literally has had a massive post count drop since we chopped 2 wolves.

alice whyā€™d you flip so fast

werenā€™t you like

super hard tunneling cheese


Because Cent spent like 2 days barely posting, tbfh.

Like, thatā€™s a huge-ass red flag for him since we chopped 2 wolves.


fair enough ig

i just think his posts while heā€™s been here have been pretty good

im probably not gonna be around for the rest of the day because work stuff


I kinda wanna do my claps

But it worked for emilia


/vote Centuries @Arctic


@Centuries L-1


will process VCs and whatnot as soon as Iā€™m home.

i am home and you guys should shut up

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The Mafia has conceded!

Congratulations to the Town!

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