[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Respond to my pings or face erasure, Zeptogram.

Also if you’re not a wolf why do you care what people think your wolf meta is

They could, but I feel like they’ll usually read me as town when I’m town regardless /shrug

What do you want me to confirm? As I’ve already said, I’m not very comfortable with the early tone, it’s missing all the fluff and fun stuff I usually see, is chock-full of hesitance, and content-wise I don’t feel like it’s AI.

Though actually the stuff about me she said later on is pretty nice.

And if anything about her scum meta, I suppose it’s just she’s kinda easily convinced…? I only remember one scumgame from her and I mainly only remember the part where I was tunneling town when she had another “strong SR”… but decided she’d “reluctantly” go along with my tunnel anyway. IDK if that’s something that can be applied to every game, though.

Are we even reading the same post?

It. Was. An. Analogy.
The fact that you mentioned D3 in your post just shows that you didn’t unerstand my post at all.

Cream posting rainbows and fluff and song requests and all of that stuff

You’re included in that PoE though? 0.o

Yes the struggle is real because your tones are all out of wack and I was freaking tired

Almost scared, even

That just looks 100% copied from Cream and it doesn’t even make sense

Oh I’m so scared, blech

IDK where you even got that impression from, it looks like you were just pulling out excuses that were already mentioned before

the ultimatum attached gave me the impression it’s a threat and she’s not going to

I don’t like it. It doesn’t make sense and again, knowing that all you have to do is live to D3 and then town will paranoia-lynch you isn’t good at all.

Plus it’s really bad especially when my strongest impression of it being done is when I was mafia pushing town!Greed in LYLO in your game.

I feel the same so like ://

Why would you copy the opener of mafia


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Whatever insights she shared, they clearly did not leave enough impact for me to remember them.

I did not claim she doesn’t have reads. I claimed that whatever she wrote -including reads- were so unimpressive, that I don’t remember anything about it after skimming ~200 posts within 5~10 minutes I had during my break.

“Seem to have pregame experience” is a false statement. She was a spectator, and I was a player. She has more data on me than I have on her.

I did not frame her posts. I outright ignored them since none of them left any impression to me.

Bruh. I don’t even know nor care who D1 towncore is since all I remember about it is just you guys praising and bootlicking each other.

this is a really mean comment btw ://

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It just felt like Alice was really hard-defending him, although I think I was overreacting. I rescind my read on Cent.

btw I didn’t mean workshopped
I mean it just felt repressed or stifled or whatever

Maybe it’s because of the threadstate and site and stuff

but I didn’t really like it

Like when does Cream ever say “um”??

Cool. I found me at least one scum within Vul/Marl/LiLi. I will finish what I started with Alice first, and then I’ll head over to LiLi.

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Ah, yes. “What…?” What a good post. It most certainly tells me what the hell you are confused of, and all it does is waste my time.

You picked out people with completely opposite opinions? Are you planning on making sense today or no?

Sure, last game Cream just spectated

But I feel like you’ve definitely played multiple games with her before in the past


Considering at least 400 posts of the ~630 posts made so far are people talking about their own meta, I’m fine with being regarded as the crazy guy of the day.

And you somehow expect me to remember any detail of those games because…?

I finally remembered one where you guys played together

It was Eggnog FM
I kinda expected you to remember that one at least

You seem really antagonistic today

Yes. I find it crazy that people would read me off of one post made when not much was going on, without considering factors such as irl. It feels like a Wolf trying to throw scumreads in hope of finding a wagon, but I don’t actually see a real Wolf actually doing it as it would look really bad for them.

NUF sounds like a crazy place

Cream was town for making wallposts with detailed reasonings. However, I only started townreading her for her D2 wallpost, which was made after I died.

Prior to N1, I had Cream as towny for her D1 wallpost, but it was nowhere near as certain as her D2 wallpost.

In this game, I don’t even remember a single post of Cream, and I didn’t have the time to check them until now either, because I was at work.

However, it appears that at least three people are already judging me based on my ignorance on Cream, so at this point I am wondering whether I should even bother taking this game seriously or not.

Lol maybe
Though is the flavor “Eggnog” really that crazy? XD