[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

oops I misread

ignore what I said

Okay, power-skimming now and Iā€™ll just quote posts that stick out along the way for later o7

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summaryā€™s like
centuries and vulgard feel each other out to be town
pigeon appears with a hi and centuries thinks heā€™s mafia bc opener
chloe comes in but isnā€™t nearly as consensus town, not sure why, didnā€™t make a big impression on me either tbh

vulgard says some weird stuff here and there in between the big posts that show a towny mindset according to some others, but I donā€™t think people are keen on pointing it out
centuries is consensus town but marl comes in and says not really and then heā€™s not anymore

cream is consensus strong town but alice doesnā€™t thinks so (changes mind slowly after)
big discussion on pigeon bc he ISOed Alice and it didnā€™t make sense

aliceā€™s poe is meh, marl summed it up as ā€œjust him + non-posters + LHFsā€

everyoneā€™s had someone else townread them or something at one point (zone said the thread was full of bootlicking/praising or something?)

aaand then I wake up

this summaryā€™s probably missing a lot but anyways
Zone can give a summary too maybe

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Psyx ping me when youā€™re done reading!!! Iā€™m gonna go do my hw now

IDK what you were doing. I was counting the ones who are from NUF, and the ones who are from FoL.

IDK about you, but I just skipped them all.

I said this because Marl should have a better idea of what my wolfgame look like. Heā€™s seen me wolf multiple times and in many of them I would never cast doubt on TRs on my buddies so for him to say this feels like the read is fake.


Because wolves donā€™t tunnel. Only villagers tunnel. Tunneling happens due to confirmation bias which wolves cannot have.

I see you regressing into some sort of VI jester and singing Christmas carols in the middle of August. (A star, a star, dancing in the night, with a tail as big as a kite :notes: ?)

I see game state being wrecked and derailed on multiple occassions. First with that metaphorical dick stroking contest over wolf games. Then between you and lili regarding some past NUF game.

I see Lili potentially in her scum meta, choosing to give 1000% energy when it comes to giving a summary, compiling some sort of list on Zoneā€™s meta, and arguing about some past game. But then being underwhelming in all other regards.

And I saw Chloe on n0.

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/vote Zone @EliThePsycho @Arctic

Reasoning on the vote felt forced as hell being that Iā€™ve already explained why I unvoted LiLi and why Iā€™m allowing Cream to resolve her slot, tbfh.

I feel like thereā€™s a stark difference between Psyxā€™s play here and in FAM, tbfh.

I didnā€™t like the ratio between questions to conclusions being that it kinda felt like she was just trying to look busy, but eh. I think whoever said about her wolfgame just being IIoA is right and I really donā€™t see it here as sheā€™s just interacting with the content. Probably V as well, tbfh.


Voted Voters Count
Zone Appelsiini, Vulgard, Alice 3/7
Alice Pigeon, Zone 2/7
Vulgard Marl 1/7
Silviu Centuries 1/7
Not voting Silviu, Ruri, Cream, LiL, Psyx, Chloe 6

Ping Arctic and Eli if there are any errors.

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psyx is green

catching up now
i have freakin ~500 posts to read ):

This is kind of a lot of nulls for people who have posted quite a lot of meaningful content. I think Vulgard asked you to elaborate on these reads and I just want to follow up on that request. Also, if you had to make a GTH read on each of them, what would it be?

Villagery sequence, tbfh.

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Yeah, I think heā€™s prolly villaging by now.

Marl doesnā€™t have a postcount tell and iā€™m pretty sure you know that lol

How do you feel about his content

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever since him top-posting like this as a wolf. Dudeā€™s like 25% of the thread.

I feel like heā€™s more aggressive than usual.

Only issue I have with him is that heā€™s just been pushing me and my green check and his entire handling of my read on Vul was extremely antitown.