[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

I feel bad for saying this but

Alice don't look

Her not pressuring LiLi is >rand wolfy
She’s usually more emotional than this when it comes to her reads, and I’m not sure if this self-reflecting is a sign of her being cute and cool, or just being a wolf

This. I probably overreacted but the point stands

I’ll give you some background why I didn’t pressure LiLi.

A month ago I’ve played with alexa, who acts extremely defensive as either alignment. I pressured her despite her friends saying that she does this either alignment. I didn’t listen to them and as I kept on pressuring her she started acting more and more wolfy until I spent the entire game tunneling her. She flipped V.

It’s called learning from your mistakes. The fact that I’m not repeating my play here on LiLi is because I’m pretty sure that it would be a mistake to just hard-push her to oblivion like this, not because I’m a wolf and unable to push her as I can easily replicate my hard-pushing meta.

Either way, I’m probably going to ISO a few people and then come back. Hopefully.

Alice is v cute and cool regardless

Peace out

@Marluxion Ping so you see this since you really wanted to see this

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Pigeon’s posting is weird as it feels like he’s trying to solve the game around himself, tbfh.

Tbfh, a lot of his posts are just defending himself and this is basically one of the few posts that pigeon makes that does not involve himself and he still makes no judgment on it.

Wouldn’t mind if this gets chopped, tbfh.

The first part is copying my opener from one of my wolfgames (WoW:BfA2 iirc?) and is a joke about how I was easily caught off of my openers in my newer days

The reference rubbed me the wrong way tbh

I like the thought-vomiting from Appel in this string of posts
I think she’s capable of faking this (thinking back to Umineko 2 - first game that comes to mind) but I’m a slight fan so far

Alice’s bullheaded treatment of pigeon is what I expect of her towngame

I’m admittedly a bit worried to apply that meta to her with much confidence anymore because in our revent v/w game she played the earlygame as close to her townmeta as she could… because she knew that’s what I’d be looking for. In this game ~5 players would be looking for that so ofc she’d be imitating her towngame to her best ability here if wolf

She gets somewhat easier to read as the game progresses

No need to respond to this, I just want it out there

I think she’s villagery atm tho

Maybe I’ve gotten to the point where my openers aren’t AI? :nerd_face:
Only took me 500 games

I have zero clue how to read Zone anymore after DITF so I’m fairly comfortable sheeping the people who have more experience with him :P

I have no confidence in either direction wrt his alignment

Can you explain what ‘ehhh’ means to you here?

It really was just that interaction that I felt was villagery from him - nothing he’s posted since has made me feel great

It’s mostly that I don’t think he takes that OMGUS angle as a wolf? He’s a low confidence wolf and fighting back against someone he considers a strong player, rather than flailing or freezing, is kinda ballsy

I guess comfort is the wrong word but the way he’s both going against the grain and also suspecting the exact person who is pushing him hardest shows some level of… well… confidence that doesn’t feel like something he’d do as a wolf

I could be wrong on his meta but I think that after Ciconia, where all he did was chill in the background and come in with wolfy pop-ins to go with the flow of the thread (ie. Voting Wazza for zero reason) and after randing wolf like 10 times he would be less Out There

That being said
Pigeon’s posting hasn’t picked up from what I’ve seen thusfar in my catchup. He isn’t going out of his way to do anything, and instead all of his posts are replies to people or defense of his own slot
Hesitant to keep giving him a pass for his response to Alice earlier, but I still think it was villagery from him
He better step it up, cuz this ain’t it

Huh interesting
Dropping off as in activity or as in you disliked my later posts? Can you expand

I see that Vul asked you to explain as well

Appelsiini doesn’t feel artificial which is sorta weirding me out as I feel like I scumread her tone in every game we play, regardless of her alignment
Yet here she feels genuine
I guess that’s a good look lol

Splitting here

Thinking this is a PoE game

I’m having a hard time pinpointing any wolves

I wanted a d1 dunk

I think he can get got so far.

In general he doesn’t really seem to be solving and much of his posts were just talking about past meta IRT Psyx/Cream/LiLi.

Like, he just shoved Cream as town and doesn’t really seem to be interested in solving the alignments of the other two at all. I don’t want to townread him for self-destructing as that’s a fairly easy thing to replicate as W and he knows that we’re aware of this so I want to see actual content from him.

Basically what I’ve thought.

Just find enough villagers as thread feels fairly villagery and I don’t see anyone outright howling.

Meh, just re-read LiLi and she kinda of doesn’t really have any town pings.

I thought that there was a thought process behind how she handled Centuries’ slot but it’s just her talking about how the thread went IRT Centuries and it’s more like just IIoA.

How is he as wolf in comparison to his towngame?

I’m pretty sure that depends on the type of player and can’t be applied to everyone. Look at Zone (in NUF, not here).

Are you joining the meta detective sect? :sparkles:

Lili’s defensive no matter her alignment. What I usually use as basis for reading her are her actual rebuttals and defense.

I think I’ve already said this before (in disc iirc), but wolf!Lili can easily jump tone hurdles so…

Hmm…I see. Well then I’m scumleaning you, since talking this way about your wolfgame should be in the range for your wolfgame.

Why don’t you pressure her yourself. :zipper_mouth_face:

She hasn’t even responded yet bruh, but you immediately vote her.

What’s N0 treatment?

Humor me and try doing it anyway? I just wanna see your thought process, never mind if it’s “correct or not”.

I feel like you’re just planting death flags for me at this point…

…since when did you use tone for your reads? Aside from that “cute” read on Alexfilia?

Alice’s and Pigeon’s interactions felt t/t to me, basically (at that point. Right now I’m scumleaning Alice). I could see both stances coming from a town. I should’ve placed that section outside the “if there’s one wolf in these interactions” for clarity’s sake but welp.

New site, new people. Zone is acting different from usual, you’re acting different from usual

??? So what’s your read on Alice and Centuries now, then?

Maybe for you and Zone. It’s hard for me to read her when she’s tunneling, for one. I’ll write my thoughts on the players after this.

You weren’t in the Underworld Fiasco spec chat, were you? Townlean.

Seems like we’re seeing the same stuff again, but then again you were neutral in that game when we had a mindmeld in terms of Glass and Nyann so not alignment-indicative.


:eyes: ? …Maybe?

Done skimming! o/

Thank you~ :heart:

What’s she like as wolf?

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Gonna take a break for now (omg it’s already 2AM) and then I’ll write my initial thoughts. o/

I think lili and Zone aren’t W/W, mostly due to how lili is interacting with Zone.

As far as I can remember, scum theatre isn’t really her thing. I think this is mostly due to her inexperience as a wolf, when you have a tendency to kind of avoid interacting with your scumbuddies.

Her back-and-forth interaction with Zone has been overextensive, to the point that I kind of doubt them both being wolves.

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If she can’t theater like this then the solve is probably something like 1-2 of the 0-posters, 1 of Zone/LiLi, and potentially someone I misread in Appel/Marl/Cent or just Pidgeon, tbfh.

/vote Silviu

Kinda don’t wanna flip Zone/LiLi rn as I’d rather zero in the likely wolf in that interaction first in order to clear the other, tho.

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Even I know zone enough to say he isn’t towncore material yet

lol i love this post

A small portion of my townread on cream stems from the fact that i love the way they express their thoughts, and their wordchoice - which has burned me in the past (ie. Prophylaxis in DITF) but man
I’m here for it

Same same

Where the heck did Centuries go lol
The dude said he didn’t want to lead but he kinda just dipped
I don’t think its AI but I want more from him because I’m not fully comfy there ;p

I’m reading LiLi’s posts but I’m having a hard time figuring out their mindset. Nothing pings me either way yet and I feel guilty for saying that because they have quite a few posts lol. They should be readable but the brain machine isn’t workin’
There’s also the fact that a lot of it is back-and-forth with Zone which I’m admittedly kinda just skimming because I don’t understand half of what is going on

This is kinda a barebones read with no true explanation, and I’d appreciate if you went into more detail, but I do agree


It’s uhhh… maybe not alignment indicative, but Silviu not posting at all feels incredibly off
The dude is usually very vocal

Yeah I’m not very impressed anymore

My gut still says he flips villa but like
Not much my gut can do when he’s not doing anything

I gotta go for a little bit

I might try re-reading some stuff later so I can get a better grasp of LiLi’s posts, as it feels like they’re a very important slot to solve


Reading this again with a clear mind and hindsight, this is actually towny

I doubt a wolf would go this far for a read that’s essentially just “Pigeon popping in and dipping is wolfy, but let’s not focus on that” unless they’re exactly W/W. To be honest, I doubt a wolf would go that far to soft-defend their partner even before they’re pushed, so scrap that