[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

You can’t really compare the wolfgames of a player who’s barely had a wolfgame like Cream and a veteran like Prop, tbfh.

Unless Cream’s a genius wolf then she’s just a villager here.

Well, I use meta as mostly a baseline understanding of what a person is capable of. I might use meta in early game reads since there is little in-game content to go off of. But as the game evolves, my reliance on meta lessens.

No I wasn’t. o_o IDK how that’s relevant but ok.

Yeah. If I had to yeet a 0-poster then I’d probably kill Silviu over Phraze as she’s an extremely easy player for me to read.

Dumb question: Is Silviu a guy and Phraze a girl?

I’m not sure about Silviu’s gender but Phraze/Ruri is a girl.

Vul had some incredibly awkward comedy attempts in the beginning, but other than that, his solving is good. The back-and-forth between Cent and Vul was awkward from both sides, but they were the only people posting so I’m willing to give that a pass

This is like
Obvtown levels of posting

I don’t think Vul would form a V read on Centuries that’s Centered around himself right after being scumread by the only people that were existing at the time, and push that narrative. In other words… it shows a towny lack of self-awareness?

Pretty sure Silviu’s a guy, yeah

Pigeon continues to be whatever

Lots of awkward posting and IIoA regarding his push on Alice

Are you scumleaning 3 people or just Centuries here?


/vote Pigeon @Arctic

Giving Arctic the attention they deserve

Somewhat more laid-back

He usually tries to imitate his towngame but it falls flat and his pushes don’t feel real. He has less conviction as a wolf, and cares about his image a bit more

As a villager he has the most wtf reads but it’s easy to tell when he believes in what he’s saying. He has no care in the world for how people percieve him, with the exception of him getting tilted when people don’t see him as an obvious villager

This is just his towngame tbh

Yeah I’m very strong on her being town

My core atm is:

Chloe, Psyx, Marl, Cream

It’s kinda small and I’m tempted to put a few more names in there (Vul, Alice) but I’m not at the same level on them as I am on the above playe.

Hopefully I can add more names as the day progresses

Something I’ve been thinking about in regards to how people treat Centuries…

From the background information I’ve gleaned, he plays an excellent wolf game.

I’ve been seeing a lot of townreads on Centuries for his early RT. Those reads honestly all sound agreeable. What weirds me out is that I’m not hearing a lot of caution in regards to his slot from anyone, which I find unusual. I mean, if he’s a great wolf player, why can’t that RT be faked? Why is everyone just like, “Mhm yup yup this is town, moving on.”

Yeah, I’m kind of paranoid. Yeah, maybe I am overthinking things. But yeah, this is a thought.

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He’s merely in my townleans for this exact reason ;p

i don’t think he’s out of his scumrange, and i dislike a lot of his behavior surrounding mechanics

Tbfh if I’m misclearing someone out of Cent/You/Chloe/Vul/Psyx then it’s probably Cent.

He kind of just took the townreads and is falling rapidly rn.

honest to god if Centuries had some cute anime waifu profile picture I might be less paranoid than whatever illuminati invisible man thing he has going on right now :joy_cat:


This is literally just me gaining social skills

The reason you dropped off was because even though your SoD was ~fine, the Pigeon defense came out of left field and I don’t think his interactions with Alice - or any of his posts, for that matter - really warrant a townread to that extent, let alone a strong read at all.

This could honestly be W!you trying to defend a LHF to get towncred
If there’s a wolf in Pigeon/Chloe, it’s always Chloe

/vote Chloe @Arctic @EliThePsycho


The way Chloe approached Pigeon isn’t really how wolves defend LHF.

Wolves basically just drop a townread on them and don’t really bother towncasing them or arguing against their pushers like what Chloe did. See how PKR was treating Wazza in Ciconia where he kept calling Wazza a villager but never really bothered to argue why she’s V or persuade her pushers.

I still stand by the fact that pigeon’s posts to Alice during that section of the game were very villagery for him
And I’ve admitted that he’s dropping in my reads as he hasn’t done anything but defend himself or reply to questions aimed at him

Why does there have to be a dichotomy here?
Have you even tried to see my perspective on this

Plus, I do see her point IRT the OMGUS as W!Pigeon generally kind of just doesn’t exist and/or goes with the flow.

I think he’s probably just =rand rn and the only reason I’m willing to chop him is because he’s never really getting out of the PoE with how he’s playing.

I most certainly did not have the time to spectate Ciconia with those postcounts, weh

The problem is that Chloe’s timing felt off, and the read was left largely unjustified considering Pigeon’s posts up until then. I have a hard time believing that a villager would look at Pigeon’s posts and go “this is towny and I believe in this read hard enough to defend this person”, let alone Chloe of all people. He’s as null as one can get imo