[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

people calling something NAI instead of saying they think something is town indicative or mafia indicative grinds my gears

that reminds me

isnā€™t something more noteworthy than Chloeā€™s posts on Centuries her posts on Cream

I think sheā€™s said ā€œI love your word choice, weā€™re vibing, youā€™re townā€ to Cream at least 3+ times already

like whenever she can

did you notice that at all

Openers are NAI.
Reactions are NAI.
Votes are NAI.
Pushes are NAI.
Vig shots are NAI.
IC Reveals are NAI.

I noticed it once in the posts I analysed but I didnā€™t really care since Iā€™ve said the exact same thing as Town literally in the previous game and I said it literally to a member of the Mafia who pushed on me for it. Although saying it various times is weird.

I think Iā€™ve said it before tho.

I think null would be a better keyword tbh

whoā€™s said NAI the most so far btw?

Okki Iā€™m all caught up now basically
said all I wanted to say

Alice~Is~Ignoring~Me~Howā€¦ scummy~~~!
I donā€™t want to deal with another Blitz situation now either

Aaaand itā€™s 2 am so Iā€™m going to sleep

Night night, guys~


I honestly think scum is within Centuries/Alice/pigeon/Silviu/Ruri/Appel. Well thatā€™s where my POE is at anyways.

why appel and why centuries

Because they arenā€™t irrefutably town enough. Thatā€™s the simple answer.

So, you consider Myself, Chloe, Vulgard, Marl, Lili and Psyx all irrefutably Town?

I havenā€™t had the time to fully evaluate Appel.

For centuries, I guess itā€™s just caution and the bar is higher.

why would mafia jump into all the convos like appel did

why would mafia without great meta of me arguing for pages with others TR me

oh ok

Because itā€™s frankly unproductive for me to keep wasting my time here? Youā€™re kind of very strongly V for me so I donā€™t feel like I need to solve your slot anymore.

and busy workā€™s more productive?

isnā€™t getting TRed through interaction productive enough

and also where the heck did this TR come from

also Iā€™m going to sleep for real now

Mixture of your SoC post, your fixation on trying to solve my slot, and the meta-read by Cream.

Point is your slot improved a lot in the last few hours.

Tbfh the gameā€™s either extremely easy with the bulk of wolves in Silviu/Ruri/Pidgeon or itā€™s fairly hard.

Kinda just wanna chop/cop through the former first and then re-eval.

think back to Ciconia when everyone called me wolf and that the game was easy because of that