[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Okay, but if we use that reasoning, then I’ll just evaluate the game in LyLo, you know what, I’ll leave it to everyone else until then, it’s fine the game would’ve progressed by then.

I’d rather have Silviu copped as I kinda see him as a potential potato villa.

I’m doing stuff? Why do you care so much about me having 1 too many TLs mechanically speaking?

The reasonings i can see being used against you are basically 1) You haven’t made yourself towny yet and 2) You haven’t been posting much.

So while yes, you are an easy target, why does this make conroy scum? Could it not be a villager latching on to these as well?

Hi, I’m stuff.

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oh ok?

Alice/Wazza/Marl I have a hard time reading Vulgard, what does a v!Vul and w!Vul look like?

Nah but on a more serious note like, I’d check people who are meant to survive for a while not Silviu :man_shrugging:

why dont you go backread the 1000 posts you missed and make some real content instead of berating me for trying to solve silviu, kthx

Well, it’s hard to post anything when you forgot this game existed and when you decide to exist you go to sleep :zzz:

literally made a catchup post

Okay, but you’ve literally just guaranteed your reads to be incorrect, if you cared so much to randomly post them with no prompt, you’d at least have to be able to believe in them or if you don’t believe in them, state the ones you don’t believe in.

oh my god it flew over his head

lol don’t ask me, did you see Ciconia?

Vul is a good enough player that there is no simple way to answer this question

Wazza what part of “I’m not voting any of my TRs today” (except Pigeon who can die I guess) don’t you understand

It doesn’t matter like, it changes nothing

Why? Centuries appear to have the “I don’t care” personality, which is cool I guess, but not cool for this game. :rage:

If you click on someone’s profile picture

and click this button
it will show you only that player’s posts in isolation until you turn it off


I believe that the most experienced of players does oopsies when they’re pressured or are at the last stretch of winning something.

Why does not caring make him a wolf?

Why does not caring make him a town?