[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Ah, that question was for Alice in regards to Pigeon

Heā€™s not really outside of his wolfrange and I feel like youā€™re all giving him way too much credit, tbfh.

In his past village games heā€™s tend to be more aggressive and less derpy/floaty.

I mean I guess if you say so

but I donā€™t think itā€™s grounds to like, actually push him like that, id let him develop

I donā€™t yet believe that Alice believes in her push on pigeon as I feel like he hasnā€™t posted enough to come to the conclusion that heā€™s posting just to post. Feels premature

But I do want more from the bird that isnā€™t iioa

@thepigeonnyc reads yo?

Again, in my experience with him he has certain differences when it comes to proactivity/passivity depending on his alignments.

I wouldnā€™t say that heā€™s like a stronger play as heā€™s usually more of an go-getter than this.

And what do you suggest we do to get the bird to post more?

Spam the thread with copypastas like a true FoLer would?

Eh now im doubting myself

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/vote pigeon @EliThePsycho


letā€™s see

Alice going against the grain is uh

Better look than not atm tbh

Point is, stop pushing me because Iā€™m pushing a weak player unless you have strong reasons to believe that the aforementioned player is a villager.

This shit frankly happens every damn game here and without pushing null LHF-y slots weā€™d be effectively allowing them to coast to endgame.

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are you calling me grain rn

Good post, friendo
I agree as well

Iā€™m down to work with you tbfh

You dominate the thread currently, but I mostly mean wrt Cream as theyā€™re currently a consensus villager (to the 3 non-Alice people who have posted)

@Centuries what was villagery about this?

I donā€™t see how I couldnā€™t write this as a wolf


your thread position not what you write you dingus

This feels like a Cream thing to say |-^)/

Hmā€¦ okay, I see what you are saying. Thanks for the perspective.

Pigeonā€™s posts where he was stating things about Cent and Vul w/o some sort of read or conclusion did ping me. I think that post reeked passiveness. I think it looked especially bad in the current game state where things arenā€™t as joke-y anymore.

I do kinda want to see his reads.

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Lili, if I canā€™t find you as town on D1.

I am yeeting you as scum on D2.


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After a quick re-read it looks like your world currently revolves around pigeon lol
While fakeable, along with your recent ā€œbruh let me push LHF fuckersā€ post it makes me feel better about you truly believing in your take there

Anyways tho
I think the way youā€™re not accepting Cream as a villager is less of Pulling Slot Into PoE and more of genuine concern at them being townread too easily

And my original take was off of memory that your wolfgame tends to be more Going With The Flow early on, with a side of (valid) outbursts to imitate your towngame
I could be wrong on this but im too lazy to do a metadive atm

Eh? Expand pls

Iā€™m confused