[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

yeah go for it

unbiased is good

If at EoD you vote out Ruri, Iā€™m going to personally chew out every single voter and policy the wolfiest one tomorrow

If you townread Vulgard tell me why
And if you donā€™t I want you to sheep me and crack this entire game wide open

Oh, I see. So besides Aliceā€™s reasoning and you believing in Alice~ Youā€™re bothered heā€™s not playing the game actually, right?

Thanks, but I need to know when the day ends.


The amount/content within posts is to prepare for D2. I donā€™t want to yeet Ruri for instance, because itā€™s not worth it if they flip town. Pigeon on the other hand has been mentioned by a number of people and theyā€™ve made stances on him. You, I havenā€™t ISO-ed yet so I have no opinions about. Where the heck did you see me voting for you; I literally told Cream to vote Centuries with me

i veto a 0-poster elim

Thatā€™s dumb

I think Ruri is entirely rand and if they flip town weā€™re in a godawful position

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Oh cream, I can ping you his posts but basically he explained it above my ISO.

Yikes sorry, my language been mixed up.

Just tell me the post number and I can scroll.

yeah pushing for the Ruri elim is actually incredibly sketch

@Vulgard sup?

Why Ruri over any active player? Why do you think pigeon flips town?

My case on Vulgard being a wolf starts here

ftr if pigeon flips scum i have the urge to turbo vul but iā€™ll hold off

Read above this.

I made a wallpost mentioning him; read that and give me your thoughts?

@thepigeonnyc i summon thee

show up or die

Does the day end at 22:00?


Iā€™m concerned that Iā€™ll start an ISO and then OOPS Iā€™m posting it when the host requires silence :eyes:

Oh thank you.

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