[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

/vote Alice @EliThePsycho

that’s my read

take it or leave it

i mean if we’re going by the meta tells i brought up in spec chat i think they do somewhat apply here

i brought up earlier that two of your posts felt similar in tone to your regular openwolfing, and you’re super salty lately
though i suppose that could be the result of being PoE’d for what you believe are bad reasons

i dont freaking know dude


Overall I feel that Silviu is the mechanically optimal yeet being that he spewed himself not Cop, but eh.

Maybe stop posting and go look at duality mafia

I’m at an impasse where the mech optimal play would be to kill Silviu while the read optimal play would be to kill Centuries.

the optimal play is to kill wolves

even if Silviu is a fucking wolf I’m not claiming the pelt genuinely don’t care enough about the dude

there literally is no mech calling silviu a wolf

Mech Silviu basically spewed himself non-Cop from the get-go by believing our n0s.

If Centuries/Wazza/Appel are all V here then this basically presents an opportunity to get potential SHC from those 3.

Then again I don’t really see a world where all these three are villas so… eh, I think Cent can get got.

Like, in a world where Cent and all his peeks are V then who are the wolves?


feel like by being here im making the thread toxic
and im wholly incapable of retaining information right now so i’ll be back later

i wanna hear from @Vulgard tho
lmk when around

linking games with no flip list + no iso feature

epic gamer moment marl

there is an iso feature you potato

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top right next to the watch button
and silviu is mafia
the rest of the mafia are me, seththeking and uh
some other irrelevant people

/vote Centuries

ok i guess i can see a difference shrug

Silviu replaced out for Spak and Spak endgames but there are still 150 wolf silviu posts there