[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

I take this as much.

I’d argue that I’m being read based on the factor that I arrived very late and “I didn’t do anything townie yet”, but I have 400s posts now, so I suggest this to not be an excuse anymore.

oh wait also

how much evidence should be placed on the SHC

bc like
isn’t it not impossible that mafia would just kill a cop cover like that so they have a locktown member?

or would they always pick possible cop (+ townclear if not actual cop) over 100% fake cop (+ misclear)

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I just plan on reading your actual posts… at a later date orz

after I reply & maybe as I reply I’ll respond to some of yours

but like 400+ ISO is definitely not going to be one of my top ISO choices for anything ever lol

looksie also the meta thing was from Marl who thinks there’s an actual difference other than just “oh Silviu posted”

so I’m willing to put some stock in it at least


Do you want me to sort what debate arguments I’ve did?

I’m honestly at this point waiting for responses

Yeah there is, do you want to meta read me from my mafia game on Duality?

yeah sure! link me and I’ll read them

No I’m not reading your Duality game
I don’t read cold meta for anyone lol

But I’m willing to trust when one of my TRs says there’s a big difference

I mean also Alice said there’s not but I feel like her statement wasn’t as specific

I’m going to die :joy:

Alice has a different mentality than all of us, so I suggest to not be encouraged/discouraged

I was wrong :joy: :sob:

Hey lili, you’re the only person who knows Psyx, what do ya think of 'em

encouraged? discouraged? about what?

also liiinks?


You’ve said that you don’t need cold meta, so you don’t need my duality :joy:

why are players wolfreading both me and ruri when realistically i’m the only player pushing on ruri and i’ve been doing so for two phases
if you think i’m bussing think again

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I think she’s town, especially with Cream’s guarantee! Her bringing up her Centuries case again and again and asking people to read/eval her PoV (and she sounds seriously mad that people are TRing him in any way… which I kinda sorta am…)

She feels really strong this game
Like hard-pressuring sorta

I dunno how to feel about how she feels about me though

I thought “debate arguments” was referring to this game’s good arguments…

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this is my thoughts throughout this game and Ciconia, just deal with it at times no point in trying to argue about it