[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Lili is still probably my top townread because they are so far out of bounds from their last wolf game

Then probably Misty

Then idk


i was gonna read you while no one was posting but i got distracted with other stuff

iā€™ll do it tomorrow

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Psyx, I read through Centuries ISO (it was so long crii) and your case on him

reply to Psyx's first wallpost on Centuries

I feel like he was just joking tbh

Thisā€¦ ngl, feels like overthinking. I donā€™t think itā€™s as black and white alignment-wise as youā€™re making it out to be.

IDK what he meant by ā€œanti-solvingā€
I canā€™t say anything there

But asking for N0ā€¦ ehh idk
I dunno if asking for an N0 counts as ā€œrolefishingā€ though, especially when it seems plenty of people here actually have experience with Cop 13ā€™er games and know to cop cover?

  1. I dunno about textbook wolf, but the meaning I kinda got was just TWTBAW. Not that I agree with his point, since what Iā€™m getting is ā€œTWTBAW/so bad/fake it probably doesnā€™t come from mafia, but Iā€™m not completely sure ā†’ =randā€, which doesnā€™t make much sense if I stare at it really hard, but anyways.
  2. This point actually makes sense. Itā€™s a meta read (?) that I can see being true- like for example, some people, when randing mafia, feel uncomfortable talking when thereā€™s no one else there, and prefer lurking or something. The posting might refer to the first three posts (including vote on me?) rather than the :zzz: emoji
  3. I think the ā€œhandā€ just refers to ā€œsaying his reads are badā€. Youā€™re right that itā€™s WIFOM, but itā€™s WIFOM that does make sense imo.

So do you think this means he and Vulg are W/W or something? Because I donā€™t think I can see any other motivation otherwise, unless itā€™s pocketing but ehhh itā€™s not even a strong, pocket-worthy ā€œdefenseā€. It honestly just looks like a normal discussion (i.e. Person A: I think XX. Person B: I disagree because YY). Thereā€™s not even much to defend against in the first place, you know?

If we think mindset-wise, donā€™t you think discarding townleans (that read sorta uncertain to me in the first place) when someone does something you think is suspicious is more of a town thing than a mafia thing? After all, weā€™re all uncertain about who the wolves are. Sure, someone might feel towny at first, but if they do something suspicious, itā€™s very easy to feel even more uncertain and flip reads.

I think from the PoV he wrote, his readflip made sense. Yes, you could argue ā€œthatā€™s opportunistic!mafiaā€, but I meanā€¦ he flipped it again soon after because Vulgard was solving and he liked that.

As for your actual questions, I think itā€™s like:

  1. wolves are ā€œmore likely to see it than townā€ because they have TMI (especially if they were W/W with Pigeon, as Centuries states later)
  2. ā€œdonā€™t talk about it if you see it because it will ruin the [RT]ā€
  3. Vulg has a townlean because mafia!Vulg probably wouldnā€™t say that his reads are bad.
  4. Vulg basically just ruined the RT (or at leastā€¦ observe in silence?) by calling the action in question out and then saying it was NAI.

I donā€™t think (3) and (4) are related.

Thisā€¦ seems like overthinking (once again) :sweat_smile:
ā€œAs good as not having postedā€ is kinda just like, ā€œhasnā€™t showed up yetā€. Any inactive playerā€™s alignment is just 50/50 (one definition of =rand) as compared to ā€œaccording to the town-mafia ratio, any inactiveā€™s a 75/25ā€ (another definition of =rand, I guess?).

I donā€™t think this actually = mafia.

I think, that when his RT was a failure and there was just that one post, a ā€œmehā€ read makes sense, although he specifically put Pigeon in his W tier before, idk.

And IDK about the caveats stuff. I think he has been pretty firm on pointing out what he thinks is a towny post and what isnā€™t. There honestly isnā€™t a lot of hedging (like, heā€™s not going ā€œwell yā€™know thatā€™s towny BUT ALSO [shade][nitpicking][scummy]ā€, heā€™s actually just been like ā€œobvious villagerā€ and stuff) there, and I donā€™t actually see the ā€œallā€ part that youā€™re saying.

I donā€™t quite agree with this (Zone being an example for me), but itā€™s more personal opinion, I guess.

Iā€™m not sure here. Iā€™ll discount the W/W read since he himself is the one who said so, but likeā€¦ I can kinda (?) see progression in the pigeon thing? Like scumlean ā†’ meh idk maybe NAI ā†’ pigeon calls Centuries town (TWTBAW) for SL-ing him for saying ā€œhello humansā€ ā†’ Centuries thinks pigeon is solving sorta, and itā€™s different from his mafia meta).

It did happen pretty fast, but I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s a completely unreasonable flip.

Also imo asking for reason behind a vote, even if itā€™s on someone you think is scummy, doesnā€™t really mean ā€œdefenseā€, itā€™s justā€¦ normal.

Iā€™m pretty sure the first post was just a joke. Thereā€™s no reason for a wolf to out TMI in such a way, you know. Itā€™s akin to saying that I was mafia for tl-ing Iyana last game for the simple reason that she posted.

Itā€™s just an all around stupid move as mafia imo.

This is a good observation. Iā€™m actually not sure, but it is weird hmm /shrug

Difference in opinion here, no comment

ā€¦Thatā€™sā€¦ not really. :sweat_smile:

I donā€™t really agree with him that what you said in that line was just padding word count. But I will be honest, the two lines he quoted ā€œIt doesnā€™t help that most his paragraphs donā€™t have periods which makes it hard to follow his train of thought. Sus vibes.ā€, donā€™t really showā€¦ analyzation thought process, if you get what I mean.

The first sentence is a complaint about something I thinkā€™s NAI (i.e. punctuation- likeā€¦ I donā€™t think anyone would purposely remove punctuation or whatever to make their posts more unreadable, you know?) and the second sentence is a feeling. Which isnā€™t actually a thought process imo.

Understandably, while saying that would make me understand how you feel better, if you told that to me, Iā€™d be mad too.

While I donā€™t think it means you donā€™t care about solving/you should have a complete read on everyone, I do think it wouldā€™ve been better if you didnā€™t post them in the first place. Even if you did, it might have been better to not phrase them as ā€œ7. Vulgard - null (bc XX), 8. Marl - null (bc XX)ā€ like theyā€™re all separate slots youā€™ve done analyses on.

Maybe saying ā€œHavenā€™t had a chance to look at in depth: Vulgard (tho at first XX)/Marl/Appel/Silviu/Ruriā€ would have been better in expressing that?

I just plain disagree with him there lol
His points here also seem a little ehh (like too nitpicky), but I donā€™t actually think this makes him mafia (since I feel like I wouldā€™ve reacted the same had I been in his position- like- you SR me? okki lemme attack all of your posts as much as I can, even if itā€™s a stretch) ftr

I think this was just a difference in term definitions ngl

He probably just doesnā€™t agree with anything here?

I think that the lack of detail on Chloe in comparison to everyone else (or at least, the lack in paragraph size) is something obvious to anyone, but I think you explaining more in depth in your reply here is good, though my comment on this is probably off-topic.

ā€¦okki, even you can see the problem with your argument here, yes?

I dunnoā€¦ Iā€™m really not seeing the ulterior motives/strong-arming. Coming from someone who has taken the effort and 2 hours to actually read into the points youā€™re referring to in his ISOā€¦ I think heā€™s town.

tl;dr: Psyx, to put it nicely, some of your points seem to be a result of overthinking/overgeneralization/maybe just a little tunneling. I can see a lot of where he is coming from, and I feel that the argument between you guys is the result of different viewpoints and the SR on him.

I think both of you are town.

ā€¦And I know you still have a pt. 2 to your wallpost but ahhh crii I need a break seriously writing this burned me out. Anyways, tell me what you think when you come back.

No EOD yet?



ā€¦EODā€™s at the same time every day

Thereā€™s like 19 hours left

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Honestly, Iā€™m considering voting Silviu now.


Well, Iā€™m not sure where the EOD timer is.

@Ruri here

Silviu seems to be dodging votes, and wanted me to quickly make another player a wagon.

Ah, well thatā€™s in EST. For reference, itā€™s 11 pm here right now.
So ~19 hours.

Dodging votesā€¦?
Is self-pres scummy now? :sweat_smile:

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Yā€™know what
this is a perfect time to look at Silviuā€™s good posts that he linked

Ruri can you explain what you mean here? Maybe link posts?

whatā€™s your read of me right now?

wait btw
let me clarify this, I realize it might be misleading

I didnā€™t read his whole ISO
I only read the relevant parts to your ISO, Psyx

ā€¦I suppose Iā€™ll read the later parts when I reply to your second post, but from what Iā€™ve read so far, I think heā€™s town

Wanted me to place a vote before I left. I didnā€™t do so in case of accidental hammers.

And, currently unsure about you.

ā€¦Okay, I appreciate the honesty at leastā€¦

Can I fix my question
More specifically I meant, do you believe those points that you said about me earlier?

But this isnā€™t even scummyā€¦???