[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Wait what does Mist say regarding the consensus PoE again?

I thought itā€™s 24h/24h sorry :joy:

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Ohā€¦ I see. I donā€™t exactly see it with this example, so could you provide any others?

Hold on, let me re-read, if you have questions please tell

Uhhh, do ya want me to give you the Duality post for meta-reading and a series of quotes from me that Iā€™ve sent to LiLi?

What is RT?

Reality Test

reaction test


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Good grief, dude.

I need to wake up :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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LOL okay.

since youā€™re here now

I donā€™t find anything particularly AI from you yet. Back to unsure.

also if I suddenly dip

thatā€™s me falling asleep btw

Good night for now :hugs:

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Though I do feel better that you insisted to remind me of something I forgot.

ā€¦you just said "okay"l

Okay means like, null. Unsure.

The examples are right above the quote we talked about

Iā€™d love to talk more, but Iā€™m going to be busy for the next ~10 hours so ping me if you have more questions