[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Why is Alice’s checking calling him a villager a lie then?

Here’s a pro-tip. Why don’t you;

  • take a look at the people voting/sussing you and say why you think they’re voting for you


  • tell why they’re wrong/why their sus points against you is wrong (and no Duality game)

i’m not trying to argue meta i’m just saying that outside of the meta argument i don’t find you villagery whatsoever
i agreed earlier that meta looked good for you
it’s the best thing about your slot and i stand by it

why are you misinterpreting my push

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If you are going to stay there and pretend I didn’t do that then nothing will please ya

don’t ignore my question

Ohhh, I’m saying it’s a lie because she’s not a cop

Hmm, I see. Just calling out a flawed argument.

Not insinuating anything on vul though

And I’m asking you how you know that she’s not the cop.

Your logic is circular. It does not track.

The reason why I have such a big distrust of her being cop it’s because she’s trying to cop cover and I jumped impulsively on when she said she has a check on me that say Mafia

You know Alice is not the cop because her checks were fake. You know she rescinded her fake red on you. You know she called vulgard a villager. So what checks are fake then? And how do you know they are fake?

that isn’t what you responded with mere minutes ago when i asked you why you thought she wasn’t the cop given that she had rescinded the red check on you.

Marl, look for a bit.


In my subjective opinion, she wouldn’t out herself so early because we need a cop in this game.

And mafia would’ve killed her if she is standing there pretending to be, so she’s obviously not a cop

ehh, it’s Alice, I wouldn’t put it past her

That is a hunch that she is not the cop. You said it definitively earlier when usually you dont say ANYTHING definitively.

Okay jam, see you

:joy: :joy: :joy:
