[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

LiLi, I think you’re confusing my intentions

My vote on Psyx wasn’t meant as a pure RT, and had an actual read behind it
I appeared like I was doing nothing in order to push my reads because I quite literally wasn’t available, and I said so at the beginning of the day so people would be aware of this

I’m here now, I already established my PoV and how I feel about most of my reads, and I’m doing stuff

Cent? I’m one of the only people defending him? I’ve been doing so since the beginning of the day, when I saw that he’s basically a threadspewed villager.

I was certain EoD would be in 6 hours, but if it’s in 3, then I might be able to make it. Depends on my motivation!

2 right now… be cautious!


This wagon smells fishy
I said I would keep an eye out for those pushing Cent, and I wouldn’t be surprised if both of these people are wolves

I’m going to try out something

Look, okay? This is the reasoning you gave yesterday. I’m not asking
you to be on while you’re busy IRL, so stop trying to frame it like I am.

I’m saying instead of just tossing out this reasoning along with your vote and expecting something to happen when it was literally vague, asked exactly 0 people to join you/re-eval Psyx, and is even confusable with just a simple RT, you could’ve included a quote or something, anything that shows you are pushing Psyx because you think she’s actually scummy instead of just “oh I think this is a little tiny bit suspicious lemme just toss a vote here to see how it goes”

Silviu. Count the hours right, please. It’s 3 hours. It’s 3 pm right now.

Wait no, you’re correct.

It ends at 2021-09-01T22:00:00Z


Sorry, that was to Psyx.

Okay, just reply whenever you’re done with your vote/Appel/everything else you gotta do, I can wait!

…I thought it’s 8 PM

What am I still doing awake

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and I’m saying your reasoning read like that ^

and not an “actual [scum]read”

how does this push anyone

Um… Appel surely you don’t think anything else of Century? Let me link that ISO for ya

I mean, not only you. I mean LiLi and Psyx aswell.

I don’t see how your question is relevant, and no I don’t actually think it’s that wolfy considering how… what? 3? people have called it out so far (including me), and if you think that the 6 people who didn’t say anything are doing this “wolfy” thing… yanno, there aren’t 6 wolves.

I don’t need all of your reads. I just want an actual read of Psyx. You can just stop replying for like 15 mins to write up your case if you want. No one will mind.

Let me fix my question, actually. Remember when you said Mistyx’s SRs made sense (even though they included you) because you three all “didn’t agree with the consensus PoE?”

What did you think the consensus PoE was then? (I’m pretty sure you weren’t in it, no/ Your wagon only started up later today)

I don’t think this is going anywhere, unfortunately.

So, Lili you want a Appel case against Phyx?


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@Marluxion Please get off me in time :eyes:

…I guess we’re both a little confused, then? I thought that’s what you were doing, with the way you phrased it.

I’m pretty sure I did comment on Psyx’s posts before the vote
If you dislike your interpretation of how it came off as, that’s absolutely valid and you can push me for it
But it’s also not something I can argue against, so I’ll just move on

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Oh also for a reminder, please don’t use the logic of “Silviu bailed I saw him type” when I’m trying to post sort, I hate it very much.

I really want to respond to everything because I keep thinking “once I respond, they will understand my perspective and I can move on”

But the replies just keep coming

(This is a me-problem and I should just ignore them)
(But also blah)

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Gal, I really feel this logic :joy_cat: But I think others are concerned of them being understood during a heat of a moment.