[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

She did say she doesn’t know how to read me and I feel labelling everything I do as nothing is kind of :eyes:

Lili stay here for a while don’t let me die alone :joy:

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Won’t you vote Appel with me?

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Useless, your bestie literally voted me. So it’s basically 5/7 and they won’t budge

Also I guess I’ll lurk for a bit here then
I’ll be here to talk

But I don’t think I’m going to do any more work because I think rereading any more posts is going to give me a stroke or something

First it was Ruri, now Appel. I’m literally dying. crii

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@EliThePsycho @Arctic

Are ya guys alive? :eyes:

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I’ll do this vc myself I guess

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LiLi, do you love plot twists?

I think you’ll see one in action :joy:

5/7? :joy:

It’s out of 6 for one

Depends on the twist

Go for it lol

Vulgard, Alice, Marluxion, Appel, Psyx

wait that’s worse


you’re at L-1???


I won’t because I need to speak to ya after I find vc

this is the kind of plot twist I don’t like!!!

…Ok :sweat_smile:


looking at this list

who would be willing to vote Appel instead

Alice is intent on voting in her PoE
Psyx/Appel just voted you

Vulg/Marl? someone come online crii

23:00 Happy Death Wishes!

@LiLi041 Congratulations, you’re an early finder of Town Cop, that’s the plot twist.

Centuries is gone
Ruri already left earlier

…I’m very unhappyyyyyy

excuse me?