[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

If I have too, I’ll vote to save Silviu but that’s only if my life depends on it.

It’s not a CFD, there’s a difference, Appel has had a slow progressive push and her entire ISO is littered with trying to look like a Town.

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@Alice @Wazza @LiLi041 @Mistyx

If I don’t get murdered at night, who do I check?

you’ll get murdered at night

then out it

I mean night phase takes an entire day so it’s not possible either way

i’m done with people playing with their cards close to their chest for no reason

if you have information reveal it

Alice, you don’t need to kill Appel because there’s no way to kill Appel~ Can you please balance that vote? :eyes:

May end up outing the player that I have a very strong cop read on.

I’m p sure that they’re the cop rather than Silviu, so yeah.


Not accepted

Appel isn’t the Cop.

Alice, the reason why I kept saying you aren’t cop because I am the cop :snowman_with_snow:

I’m not accepting Copreads no matter what.

Silviu will be treated as the Cop for all intensive purposes and reads for the final 30 minutes.

I don’t think I’m smart enough to fake such a big deal :eye:

Whatever. I’m outing my cop read.

I had a very strong cop read on Phraze because she made a post close to EoD1 that sounded like “Don’t CFD me for reasons.” If she’s the cop which she most likely is then she probably has a n0 me and a n1 Appel.

whoever has paranoia on them

or just whoever you think is suspicious (and many others think is suspicious too) orz

who even is Phraze


Psyx then, but I’m realizing that I will die either way


Point is. I’m never killing my cop read’s potential checks.