[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

okki, wanna read Appel’s ISO first then?

Why tf would it backfire if they wolves never do it.

tommorow prolly its pretty late here

Like, it’s still an extremely unlikely move for a wolf to defending another one this hard while Cent’s catching fire.

I don’t think Appel’s the kind of wolf to use WIFOM and she usually just prefers safer methods of wolfing.

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Because people tend to have this level-1 mindset of “people who defend wolves are always wolves” so they play it safe.

It’s WIFOM, but Appel’s more of a safe and calculated wolf rather than someone who’d try to do a risky gambit like this.

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but if you think it’s vulgard/wazza why would emilia say this

Wazza’s literally in a very high position here because she hard-bussed Appel. It’s not like Cent because he was deep in the PoE.

People are townreading her for terrible reasons this match.

Alice, if I’m Scum, why not just hammer Silviu?


Because that would have immediately outed you?

They’re pretty emotive in debate which is their towntell

Alice, if I’m Scum, why even bother bussing Appel over voting Silviu, the literal Cop, it’s literally like trading Appel’s life for no benefit or trading my own life for the 2nd mislynch.

Yes, and why is that a bad thing if I’m a Scum who’s heavily suspected?

i couldn’t find the second thing about wazza in my hurried skim rip

but what if we just

talked about Psyx or someone else

what do you guys think of Psyx?

Literally have stated repeatedly Shes W/W with Appel

Appel was going to die either way

if not yesterday, then today

No she wasn’t, Appel is a good player and I’m very aware of that.

uhmm must’ve missed it

was that last night?

or today?

And it wouldn’t have been today, as I would’ve died today if I voted Silviu