[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

Tbfh, at least Silviu was forced to claim before dying as it’d be impossible to get any peeks from his ISO.


Would Chloe try to pull a fake SHC move?

No, probably not

Probably is as simple as Vulgard+1

probably not Ruri

Why is Wazza’s slot a villager?

not certain they are but i am certain the vulgard slot is a wolf

Like, Wazza isn’t the kind of wolf to openwolf like hammering a cop.

They tend to play in a very selfish manner so I don’t think they’d go 1-for-1 with Silviu and would realistically bus Appel instead, tbfh.

Also I’d like to point out that they started out the day trying to look for easy mischops to associate with Appel such as Psyx because she was on the CW despite Appel spew and me despite the fact that I was the tipping point for the Appel over Silviu chop.

I don’t think that slot ever flips V because of the clunkiness of their push on Appel and that they reacted to her flip by prematurely tying other players to her.

Would be fine with chopping either Wazza or Emilia today, tbh.

i’m going to wait for emilia to catch up and for us to get our actual replacements

i am leaning towards emilia and away from wazza honestly

Thing is, who’s the third wolf?

Everyone else has something going for them and aside from the Zone perspective thing which isn’t really that hard to fake Wazza’s slot has done nothing but push Appel in a very plinko board-like manner.

Cent got spewed by Appel, I’m p sure that Phraze can’t be partnered with Vul and she’s more into her V range, LiLi is mech cleared, Marl’s obvtown for 9001 reasons, and Psyx is also quite polarized as well.

did you ever cite your meta on psyx

i saw your thing on phraze

IIRC, LiLi and Cream were strongly V-reading her?

I also checked her game on FAM and she was basically just posting a lot of fluff when compared to how hands-on she’s been with the content here, tbfh.

i’m not buying that as a reason to clear

i’ll read her tomorrow

Appel was basically pushing Psyx for voting Cent?

Like… I don’t think this is >rand W/W with Psyx as in an Appel/Vulgard world then Appel also called Vulgard obvtown so Appel clearly isn’t afraid to TR her partners that are deep.

I could technically see the argument that this could be W/W theater where Appel/Psyx decided to distance while the thread was all in on Silviu, but eh.

Town: Lili
Townlean: Alice, Wazza
Null: Cent, Marl, Mistyx
Scumlean: Vulgard, Ruri

Just counting the number of Appel’s interactions, most of them were with Alice, Silviu and Lili.

Alice - Town because of how Appel questioned and sussed her from D1 all the way to D2 and how Appel was pushing the idea of a w!Alice + w!Silviu narrative (who were both at the bottom of her “readlist” with me) .

I also highly doubt that a wolf would ever ask the cop to check a scumbuddy.

Wazza - Kind of a dumb take, but I’ve never seen a wolf asking a scumbuddy if they were pocketing them. :sweat_smile:

I also think that the way she shut down any notions of cop counterclaims was coming from town than an opportunistic wolf (unless the wolves already knew Silviu was the cop) and she could’ve just pushed for a CFD to another person instead of going for Appel (there were 4 votes for Silviu at the time, and there were 5 of them online - Lili/Alice/Mistyx/Silviu/Wazza).

in full honesty i have read nothing since appel flipped

so that’s part of why i want to play this slower

to give myself time to go back through things

This is basically why I was originally hesitant on Wazza, tbfh.

But eh, their push on Appel reeked of TMI.

actually last thing

alice believing that phraze checked her and appel clear is like

never a line a wolf takes there lol

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It’s basically why I was playing in such a WTF manner and with my “If you vote me, you’re literally gamethrowing or openwolfing” attitude yesterday as I seriously thought that I was the cop’s n0. I thought that I was greenchecked so I didn’t care about how wolfy I was acting lmao.

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