[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

and yet im the one not worth listening to

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Go to Mafia Jail.

Do not pass go.

Do not collect $20.

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she literally 0 posted day 2 in fam???

She got replaced by Ami. Check her d1.

until you graduate mafia elementary school and realize i’m town here i won’t acknowledge you or your reads

@Ruri what was the point of this post

i’m not trying to be a dick
but i should be obvious from my push on vulgard
I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again i WANT to wolf with vulgard
i would not hard bus someone i want to wolf with day 1, literally ever

maybe you try graduating normal elementary school first

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(i don’t mean that but it was too funny of a comeback not to say)

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Even if you completely ignore my push on vulgard, i should be clear from Appel spew
she tried to shade me like 7 different times for really really horrible reasons

(you should not do this because who i push is probably the MOST alignment indicative thing from me, especially if the person i pushed was a high skill wolf)

@Alice I’m actually not convinced that FAM didn’t just completely overwhelm her

this game has posts coming in at like 1/10th the rate of FAM
so it’s way easier to get footing and get townread

and if shes town, i’m also town
why did the last wolf not just vote silviu?

Eh, I’ll re-read her then.

I still feel like the interaction between Appel/her felt kind of V/W rather than W/W.

/vote Ruri

Ruri outing to kill Silviu doesn’t completely out appel
so why not tie the vote?
Wazza is already getting deathtunneled by you, why not suicide to take silviu with her?

ruri wasn’t in-thread at EoD

the only people who posted after silviu claimed were me wazza and alice

Because Wazza tends to be a fairly selfish player and I don’t think she’d go 1-for-1 with the cop and would rather try to bus and deepwolf?

a wolf has no reason to post if their vote is already on silv though