[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

I never realized that playing with Zone would give you such high wim :joy_cat:

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lucky coincidence that I just finished crying after completing a fic and came back here before sleeping tbh

Itā€™s not that Zone gives me high WiM, especially considering how I felt he was scummy when we talked

But him subbing out and all that fighting going on before left a bad taste in my mouth

Kinda killed the mood that was sā€™posed to be happy NUF expedition to FoL

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Gn everyone!

Well since Iā€™m here anywaysā€¦ Iā€™ll go back to quote highlights from when I left I guess

Unless you wanna ask me questions, Iā€™m here for that too



:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

Good night Pigeon. Thank you for the pop in.

No itā€™s okay. You should go to sleep too. Donā€™t feel obligated to post.

wolfy pop in.

In other news, Iā€™m now awake.

ehhh as in questionable and strange

Iā€™ve read the recent posts from my last post to now, didnā€™t really see much apart about discussion on LiLi apart from their opening, I still need to catch up with the thread but bleh, tired so Iā€™ll do it later.

No I really canā€™t sleep rn
itā€™s bc of the crying tragedy

but Iā€™m justā€¦ gonna be on
until I can calm down

so yup

Basic question butā€¦ what are your reads on non-NUF players right now?

Or have your reads on me/Psyx/Zone solidified or changed in any way?

since forever
er, when it feels really notable

actually when I think about it, Iā€™ve been using it for a while now, Iā€™ve just been phrasing it as ā€œfeelā€

like ā€œI feel sheā€™s differentā€

Iā€™m not even tunneling though? at least I donā€™t think I am

I feel like Iā€™ve been very mellow all day
just kinda blank

or at least thatā€™s how I feel now

maybe it was the 10 and a half hours of sleep last night lol

but anyways

wdym by ā€œzeroā€
makes no sense that you supposedly think thereā€™s very likely a wolf between 2 people, have already decided to not pressure 1 of the 2, and then donā€™t even try to push the other to resolve this ā€œ50-50 wolf chanceā€ scenario youā€™re so confident in

like really ://

I think Centuries is town since he said Iā€™m town when I mean, he really couldā€™ve just said something like ā€œye LHF null to scumā€

especially when he had a really good excuse ā€œI only have scum meta on herā€

he was solvey outside of that

though I did kinda feel a teensy tiny bit of paranoia because one of his posts was something like ā€œpressure LiLi more and sheā€™ll bleed [X alignment]ā€ and I was like 0.o how do you know that, youā€™ve only played one game with me??

but he couldā€™ve gotten it from what you guys were saying so it also makes sense
just confidence confidence


I think Appelā€™s also town
the way she voted me after hearing me say Iā€™d react [implied AI] if itā€™s not a joke vote was towny

sheā€™s not very like ā€œjust TR me and Iā€™ll let you passā€ either when she was like ā€œno my tone isnā€™t better I just got better social skillsā€ or something like that, which I think is very good

I think the way she tried to mediate the fight between Alice and Zone was really nice too

She coulda just dipped and let them all blow up, but she tried really hard to smooth things over
which is also something I think is towny

there may be more but I forget

I donā€™t like Aliceā€™s points or posts

the ones regarding me and Zone I donā€™t like at all.
I mean the first thing she did when she came in was shade people

and she keeps self-meta-ing weirdly, idk how to phrase it

but like one moment itā€™s ā€œmy wolfgame is super amazingā€ and then itā€™s ā€œyou know I can replicate XX perfectly as wolf so donā€™t you dare SR me for not doing XXā€

like really

not that Iā€™ve interacted much with her and nor do I really want to at this point

but what Iā€™ve seen from her is just negative vibes all around

plus the thing with Zone? wanting him to be lynched bc of personal arguments?

yeah that feels awful

yā€™know I did that with Ddraig in Sailor Moon, when I was like I donā€™t care about this game at all, just let town burn bc I donā€™t need to solve idc, Iā€™ll just focus 100% on my own personal un-game-related stuff, since Iā€™m neutral that canā€™t win with town

thatā€™s scummy imo

I think Marlā€™s town too
I feel like he gives off the same enthusiastic vibes Iā€™ve felt when he was town (2 games worth of meta)

I think him wanting to listen to my feelings and doubts on Zone was really nice too

ā€¦though he went to sleep right before he could read it rip

anyways he just feels suuuuuuper natural

so yeah


as for the rest I didnā€™t mention
no strong impression and/or null bc weird and just weird (aka pigeon)

Iā€™ll come back to the second part of your question later

if I feel like Iā€™m about to fall asleep Iā€™ll say so btw

since you feel Iā€™m so important to solve

have you done this yet?

because I see that after thisā€¦ youā€™ve talked about pigeon & centuries and like a bajillion other people

and then you saw a readlist by Alice that put me second-to-last from the bottom, and said ā€œgood readlistā€

thatā€™s it



i got sidetracked w/ other people

iā€™ll do it as soon as i wake up and my brain is working properly - apologies

I like this

itā€™s like
honesty + debunking even when it doesnā€™t benefit yourself

like someone gives you cred you know isnā€™t exactly rightly given
and you refuse it

itā€™s very upright and also it just feels very towny

if Iā€™m explaining this properly

/unvote Lili041 @EliThePsycho @Arctic