[VFM] A Hat in Time Cop13er - Town Wins!

If Chloe’s W as what Marl has in his perspective then he’d already be out of the cop PoE, so there’s not point in keeping up cop cover.

Yeah but what I mean is the fact of creating it anyway lowers the Cop PoE for wolves. The moment you say “Oh, this player is my N0” and wolves know they’re wolves, no matter if you keep it up or drop it, they now know you’re not wolf unless you’re a Cop who created a Cop Cover which is just going to shroud your N0 in mystery in the case you die.

Either way, discussing this isn’t necessary.

Threadstate’s fucky, tbfh.

Compare this to Ciconia FM and this threadstate is a blessing.

I’m confused about this read, why is Cream trying to doubt Chloe’ here?

Ah no worries, if you do a mistake just tell us what ya don’t understand :heart:

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I meant centuries

Eh, cop could also be doing the WIFOM-y strat mentioned in the sign up thread.

Wolves can obsess over the n0’s however they want to.


I have a hard time trying to find where are the wolves.

Like… I’m not meta-clearing anyone here so I don’t think I’ve miscleared someone like Marl in Ciconia or Zone in PJO.

And I’m not TR’ing people for surface-level reasons so I don’t think I’m misclearing people like Rokon.

But… who are the wolves? Unless it’s exactly Phraze/Silviu/Pidgeon then I’m p sure that I’m TR’ing a wolf.

Maybe Appel?

Also, I’m kind of twirly-whirly around the backread, if you want me to read something specific tell me, meanwhile I will just respond to things from the past.

Chances are, you’re TRing a wolf somewhere. You’re 30 hours into D1, there’s no way you have all the scum unless the games name is Evolution Mafia and your name is Vulgard and it’s not actually D1 but instead D2.

Chloe kinda feels less villagery than she was in Ciconia and Centuries kinda has been dropping hard since the SoD… so eh.

then again I say this despite the fact you had all the wolves in Shortfuse V and got blown up lmao

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The last time I played with Chloe, she tries to solve slots with strategies than going with something more carefree, that’s what I’ve noticed at least.

And Shortfuse IV and PYMM.

Thread-state still feels very similar to how it was in Clash of Cults, tbfh.

Almost everyone who’s posting has something going for them.

PYMM doesn’t count because I subbed into your slot and I saved the game by having terrible scumreads but amazing townreads so wowee.

No idea what happened in Clash of Cults, I’m pretty sure I was in the game but I didn’t care about it.

Basically, you and Soul just didn’t bother posting there and the thread felt extremely villagery outside of SDA/Napoleon.

Did Alice mention they had a N0 check?

Or was that Marl?