[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

Vote count because there’s nothing for me to answer rn.

Accused Votes Voters
Arete 2 JakeTheWolfie #2307, Mercenary #2311
Mercenary 2 Marshal #2365, ash4fun #2382
Not Voting 5 Arete, Kyle20, Ari_2412, bepwei, PoisonedSquid

could’a sworn arete voted somebody, maybe I’m blind…

I thought I’d voted Merc

/vote Mercenary

there, now I’ve definitely voted Merc

nah, this is what I must’a seen

I guess I’m not the only one :man_shrugging:

Accused Votes Voters
Mercenary 3 Marshal #2365, ash4fun #2382, Arete #2426
Arete 2 JakeTheWolfie #2307, Mercenary #2311
Not Voting 4 Kyle20, Ari_2412, bepwei, PoisonedSquid

@kyle_20 @Ari_2412 @bepwei


I kinda think Merc is pocketing Ash, mostly because I think in the world where they’re W/W Ash isn’t voting Merc right now

yes continue to discredit me
If someone else aside your scumbuddy and my thunderdome yesterday believes it I will cheer for the mafia in dead chat because Town didn’t deserve it with that glaring obvious push

I kinda feel that a little too.

I think most of my initial annoyance with you was that if felt like you pocketed both of us by promising towncred to people on the W!Htm wagon

But I agree that makes no sense when you could have just lynched either one of us.

No it is because in no worlds you are scum with Arete
And Arete is scum
Therefore you are town


Explain the worlds in which W!Arete looks at two free mislynches and says “no actually I’d rather push a CFD on Htm for literally no reason”

  • Line up lynches.
  • Use this as towncred argument

ah yes, CFDing onto a town as a towncred argument


That towncred argument is the worst sort of WIFOM, at best.

Why do that, when he has all the towncred he needs?

Except that in the world where you and Ash are V/V W!Arete would have already had two mislynches lined up

whereas CFDing onto Htm looks like it’s pretty likely to get me mislynched at the moment

Last resource.
It was primarily done to line up lynches, but it can also be used as a towncred argument.
But please look at today and tell me Marshal is acting as Town. At the bare minimum he knows Arete isn’t scum.
You know what, he is scummier than Arete.
/Vote Marshal

Three > Two mislynches

Also we are at one day before LyLo and scum needs two more mislynches to win

I’m inclined to agree that marshal has more scum equity than arete. I don’t see any particular thing marshal has done as particularly clearing of him.

But little has been very scummy. I’m sure with the sort of meta that comes from playing a game, I’d be better able to judge his contributions in an AI sort of way, but for now I’d prefer to let it be.

I think there’s more wolf equity lower down; once we get a lynch on scum I bet the whole thing is more likely to unravel.

You know what this smells like
Mountainous 15er with slanking scum whilst town kills itself