[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]


I’m nervous because Jake is always super LHFy

on the other hand in Jake V worlds if we mislynch here he always snapvotes me in LyLo and we lose


So if you thought it was a mislynch, then you fell for it on purpose because you wanted to say “I told you so”?

Shockingly, I was expecting the person I was trying to CFD into to flip scum


No, you are a W and you knew it would flip town.

So his vote is justified by his own logic.

You said you thought he was town, and chose to take majority from merc and put it on htm. Which makes zero sense from your (self-claimed) position.

are votes locked in a not 1/2 lylo?

i didn’t think they were

if they are this is a huge problemo

/vote Jake

Votes locking in LyLo is normal but let me check the OP

oh right

the OP is useless

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Arete’s whole argument hangs from the fact that “Oh well I didn’t expect htm to flip town so of course I wouldn’t know anything”

Ya know who else knows they’re lynching town and do it anyways?


Pardon me
/Vote Kyle20
I dislike Kyle way more

Why Kyle?

What did Kyle do that makes you think he’s more scummy than a guy who voted for town on purpose just to prove a point?

And your argument rests on an Ash/Merc/Arete scumteam which is literally never a viable world



I can see Jake voting a town on purpose to prove a point
I still find Kyle casting a vote on me and leaving the thread scumny as fuck

My argument hangs on the fact that you CFD’d on someone who you townread just to go a 180 on them and call them scum.