[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

No I didn’t

This is actually just false

But do you see that as something from Scum Jake or Town Jake? Sure, it might be something he’d do, but is it alignment indicative or not? :thinking:

you CFD’d on someone you townread because you supposedly thought it would prove them scum

Arete, why didn’t you go through with a Merc/Ash Lynch if they aren’t your scumbuds? That would’ve definitely make everyone here put you into the endgame.

Bullshit. This is utter bullshit.

Because I thought they were V/V and Htm was W, and I wanted to prevent a mislynch and lynch a wolf

*prove me


We both know that town lynches can be gamewinning moves.

Town lynches are better than nolynches because they clear out the PoE

They aren’t better than lynching scum

You still haven’t explained why you voted Htm over Ash/Merc if you supposedly thought I was W/W with them

Yes I have.

ThEn WhY didn’t yOu LyNcH mE wHeN i WaS sPeAkInG sWeDiSh?

Quote the explanation

im pretty sure he tried to lulso

I voted you, we both know this. I even pushed you.

I know, it was a joke -_-

ALSO since the topic of LyLo came up and there are worlds where I don’t live to LyLo I’m just going to drop this here


Or is this not an explaination?

No because you still haven’t explained why that makes, like, any sense whatsoever

Why wouldn’t you consider the possibility that town!htm was a possibility and make a plan if htm somehow flipped town?