[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

I mean

I did consider the possibility

I just wasn’t expecting it

This thread went quiet all of a sudden. What the hell happened

Town flips are not magically gamesolving

you were in Mountainous, you should know that

If a player CFD from a scummy player to a gamesolving player, but only if they flip scum (Which is unlikely) and they flip town (big suprise), do the player then not have the right to scumread the initiator based on that?

Anyway i’m gonna go for now

You would need to look at the actual motivation and whether that makes any sense whatsoever

The only world in which I even consider that CFD is Ash/Merc/Arete and EoD1 + SoD3 pretty conclusively disprove that world

Wtf is a CDF

Merc, I think they’re talking about a Chinese Fire Drill :confused:

Oh I know this!!!

But not what the mafia term on CFD means

@Wazza has replaced @Ari_2412


Hey, wazza!

Why are you scum?

Also, @eevee-sama, are votes locked in lylo?

CFD Definition

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They are, I just asked in my classcard

Also LyLo is announced, in case we … can’t count? I guess?

Anyways I think I can read Wazza so

oh yeah, we’re supposed to ask there :derp:

I think marshal’s, um, early CFD probably rules out w/w with ari-turned-wazza.

I kinda feel like I have to mention that ari seemed like an easy mislynch on a slot that nobody would be too inclined to miss.

If Ari was replaced I’m giving them a time because Wazza is super easy to read