[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]


I did ask him and I called him scum in the same sentence.

I read the OP before I put in my replacement.

Well, if you can read an OP, you can read your previous slot’s posts. There’s only 84 posts in there so it shouldn’t be that hard


just a heads-up that I’m taking the bus back to college for the rest of the in-game day, this should give me a lot of free time to post but it does kind of run the risk of me losing connection

Looks at Danganronpa

Starting from the PoV of you being town, you think Bepwei’s defense of you comes from a town perspective of thinking you’re town and not wanting to lynch you because of it, or a scum perspective of wanting to pocket you/look good when you flip?

Personally, I have no read on Bepwei for doing that, I’ve not been in this game for the past 3 days.

Not had time to, like I said, I read the OP before I replaced in.

Ici was only defending me because we were trying to get Nuclear lynched, unless you’re on about something else I have no idea about.

I mean, I was actually talking about me defending you in DR, but.

You defended me in DR?


… But in any case, since it’s Ari not you who Bep was defending, that seems kind of beside the point.

Clearly you’re the only person who decides to acknowledge that

Anyway, I have skimmed through Ari’s posts now, not read them. From what I can tell, it seems that Bep and Ari are friends? Like, they know each other from somewhere else or something.

Can you quote the posts that made you think that?

bep, ari, GKB, and I are all from CD.

rn, everyone there is sussing out this year’s FRC game.

If you’re interested:


Of course.

There’s only a few.

Also, I can definitely see why this dude was sus, especially with his vote on Merc and then just saying:
“Merc’s either scum or a mislead townie.”

Alongside with also Kyle who just appeared to vote me and left 15 minutes apart from Ari
Totally not like someone told them to vote me in maf chat

Actually I just have real like things like work to deal with

It looks like the votes have changed a lot so let me read through and place my thoughts

Here are my super wet wagon reads

I am now placing Arete in towncore, which would make the people voting them SoD my first scumreads

There are a few reasons for this but the big one is I don’t have a likely scum team I could even place them in, at first I was a little sus of Marshal/Arete/(ari or someone else really not sure), but it seems unlikely at this point

That would make Jake and Merc scumlean for me, Merc is super against me because people can’t be inactive on a friday night on a forum without being sus and I think that’s ridiculous, I feel like they pulled this bias against me out of their ____.

I don’t have too many other reads but I am getting a townie vibe from Ash overall, and I’m still deciding on Wazza and Squid but they don’t seem to be friends at least

A scumteam I could see right now is Merc, Jake, Marshal/Wazza/Squid.


Why would any scumteam with Arete seem unlikely at this point.