[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]


This is my way of saying that those posts feel super W/W

Essentially he’s trying to deflect off of Bep by claiming that it doesn’t give information, without actually defending him, which is likely to be W/W because it’s trying to push the lynch off of him in a way that leaves him with 0 responsibility if he flips W

at this point I feel like interactions from Marshal and Kyle’s side point to Bep as the last wolf, while interactions from Jake and Bep’s side point more to Jake

which I think overall indicates Bep over Jake as the more likely wolf, since Jake frequently has wildly incorrect reads as town

I basically don’t see the Squid half of the Squid/Marshal interactions as coming from W!Squid towards W!Marshal ever

I also basically don’t see W!Marshal spending two days trying to hardbus W!Ash

so really we have two options and two lynches

so this should be a won game

/vote Bepwei
I hope we can change this wagon around

I still prefer a jake lynch, but bep is fine by me.

Although tbh I’m starting to think that y’all are right and I’m just dumb.

So /vote bepwei

Still looking for 1 replacement.

Jake has been replaced out.

@Mistyx is replacing him.

yes hello what’s up

We already know you’re scum, but would you mind telling us why?

That’s a good question and one I’m not really prepared to answer

But I’m not 100% sure you believe it given that your vote isn’t even on me

what’s the votecount

4 votes on Bepwei.

Bep’s vote on Chemist.

Well, if this is town, we can go straight to the other one… Let’s hope this works

oh no maj okay

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Vote Count:

Bepwei - Mist, Squid, Arete, Ash - 4
Mist - Bepwei - 1

Bepwei has been lynched.

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Bepwei was Vanilla Town

@ash4fun has been killed. They were Vanilla Town