[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

I’m not, if I were I’d have just hammered you when Mist voted

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I know who won but I don’t know if I can tell you guys or if you have to wait for eevee…

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Or you could have hammered me when Mist voted you :confused:

So uh… Mist, you wanna tell us something?

no u

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One of you is claiming town for no reason

The game is over! I can’t change my vote!

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Do we really have to go into this Mexican Standoff for who knows how long? Eevee’s asleep and it’s not like we can wake him up by pinging him

ok fine you got me


I know who won, but you are going to have to wait forever… :ghost:

Maybe not

pulls out vacuum cleaner

Sorry about D2, Htm :eyes:

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Sorry my reads were total garbage :^)

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I’m not sorry for anything :stuck_out_tongue:


Also I’m just liking basically every post for no reason.

I was about to say you didn’t like my posts but it looks like you just did

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Merc, me, Squid, and Ash were a crazy T v T ngl.

(I said this in dead chat but everyone must know)

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> be Arete
> realize that Merc/Ash is TvT
> CFD Htm
> who is also town

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Well, gg y’all.

I had a ton of fun once I figured out how you guys play.

I’m gonna take a break from signups b/c I need to have other priorities, but I’d be happy to play here again in a month or two.

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My reads were awful, my only correct scumread was Kyle and I wasn’t considering him in a Merc/Squid scum-team so…

None of my votes were on scum except for today, but eh…