[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]


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What are your reads?

I’ve low posted but that’s cuz I’m on vacay lol. I’ll give reads stuff tonight

Also I don’t think you answered this.

Rather than complaining about being a wagon can you explain your reads a little bit more so that we can actually sort you?


@SirDerpsAlot answer the questions and don’t pop in to disappear please.

I think I’ve waited for a decent time

Bepwei was my n0 check, so he’s locktown for me.

Squid seems a tiny bit off to me, doesn’t help that I have to read what he’s saying through other ppl and google.

:frowning: I promise when I’m less on-vacation I’ll be more involved but enhhh

I’m not sure I understand more than a tiny bit of the derps wagon, but I’m trying to read what y’all are saying

Oh and btw I forgot to mention but my n0 check is Arete.

Åh gud, inte en annan polisanspråk

“Oh god, not another police claim”

“Ah good, the person above me has wonderfeet”

damnit let me meme translate squid’s posts

But I’m not a police-claim though… I’m lion cop…

Got distracted by food

Dat V squid W arete V

idk why but lion cop brings me happiness

can u explain why more than a letter

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HTM probably V

i agree on all of those.

can you give 1 reason for each?