[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]


Derps imma break ur kneecaps

My d1 reads are gut stop bullying me

that’s fine.

but that also means nobody will pay much attention to them.


Ah, ingen har försvarat mig utom för en person hittills? Ja, det generella missnöjet mot mig är scumdriven. Jag har redan skummat Derps, så jag känner mig mer säker på teorin.

My gut reads are good and you know it

“Ah, no one has defended me except for one person so far? Yes, the general dissatisfaction with me is scum driven. I have already skimmed Derps, so I feel more confident about the theory.”

Also is their not a rule that says speak English

But when all the explanation you give is “gut,” that doesn’t help us solve your slot

Then suffer

@Bepwei, before this game, have you ever claimed mafia before?

If so, provide a time

You are top wagon

If you’re town here, you have a vested interest in helping us sort you

Nej, det finns inga regler för att göra detta. Det här är kul att göra och jag vill inte att det ska förstöras :frowning:

“No, there are no rules to do this. This is fun to do and I don’t want it destroyed”

Yes, you are right. This is fun to do but I will ban myself now : frowning:

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Oh… It is a thing… Huh. I’ll go pull it up

Although… This is only for ToL though… Hm…

Ah skruva fast det! Eevee kan säga mig att hålla käften om det blir för irriterande. Hur som helst, ta upp diskussionen! Mitt språk är inte viktigt

Ah screw it! Eevee is a little coward and wouldn’t warn me. Anyway, I have an idea! Let us all speak in a seperate language