[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

No, not really.

Huh … Jag trodde aldrig att Karen skulle nämnas här.

what about it is sus.

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“I never thought Karen would be mentioned here.”

I realize now that Kyle might gave a point. Mind talking in a language that doesn’t want me to ask the mafia to murder me?

I mean, presumably there must be something that happened to make you think she’s town, right?


if half the game is just gonna go “gutread” and nothing else im jumping off a bridge


From my experience with squid they don’t seem like the type to play this kind of joking flavor game.

It could be my inexperience with this forum though so I’m not super scum lean. There isn’t really much to go on atm and I wasn’t able to be here for a lot of this game so far so I’m not confident in any reads.

if i were you i would suggest focusing less on meta-reads(reading someone off of past games) until the game is completed.

or, if you really wanted to, you could read completed games and get a better idea of playstyles


Eftersom jag är trött på att behandlas som skit och saker har gått långsamt, så jag kryddar saker för att jag har varit riktigt trött och vill få reaktioner från människor. Jag får redan klump för det, så jag får redan viktig information för några läckra läsningar

/vote PoisonedSquid


these both are decent games to read to get alignments of some players.

both are vanilla-type games

Du försökte inte ens översätta vad jag sa. Nu är det ett gäng skit just där.

I was thinking about doing that as soon as I get the time. Like the cop9er would give me a good idea, or the mountainous game

Because I’m tired of being treated like crap and things have been slow, so I spice things up because I’ve been really tired and want to get reactions from people. I already get lump for it, so I already get important information for some delicious readings

i think there was a cop 9’er but it was a turbo(meaning the days were minutes long)

“You didn’t even try to translate what I said. Now it’s a bunch of crap right there.”

Oh, I was just looking at recent games on this forum

Men ja, jag har aldrig gjort något liknande förut, så det borde inte visa min anpassning, men folk kallar mig fortfarande avskum för det. Jag tror att jag bevisade en punkt som oavsett vad jag gör, människor kommer att skrämma mig för det och försöka misslycka mig

this one is a good vanilla one too

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