[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

Arete, why do you think I’m scum?

I’ll calm down once Poisoned stops getting others to speak for them.

Now, I’m off.

I already explained it, your progression on Squid was terrible and you’re behaving consistently with your wolf meta

you’re basically outed, you might as well just give up now

Jag har tappat mina känslor för länge sedan, så förolämpningar kan inte slå mig … Även om att behandlas som absolut skräp kommer det inte att förändra mig om vad jag gör

Isn’t this majority lynch and not plurality or am I being a confused idiot?

“I’ve lost my feelings a long time ago, so insults can’t hit me … Even though being treated as absolute junk won’t change my mind about what I do”


If you think I’m W/W with Squid, then why did I spend most of the day pushing her?

If you think I’m W, why would I put myself in such a shit position?

If it’s because it’s my wolf meta, then fucking prove it.

Now, I’m off for real.

Probably you didn’t realize how unnatural your progression would look and you were trying to get an easy mislynch on Squid


Who are you thinking are most likely to be Jake’s partners?

Self meta ewwwwwwww

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Actually wait.

jake is just scum here. And I think I can prove it.

Same reasons I have him as scum, or something else?

Nah it’s something else.

Let me grab a few quotes(mobile so give me time)

Jag tror inte att jag har mycket tid att förklara innan jag går ut på middag och en film, men utifrån vad jag känner, tror jag att det finns åtminstone en annan person som pressade på mig, det är hans dumma. Det var många som gjorde det, men jag skulle behöva söka efter det som en nål i en höstack.

“I don’t think I have much time to explain before going out to dinner and a movie, but based on what I feel, I think there is at least one other person who pushed me, it’s his stupid. Many did, but I would have to look for it as a needle in a haystack.”

Can you give me the name, even if not a full explanation?

I’m honestly not sure about Squid rn, idk how her meta is now but I remember that she always used to act scummy and weird. So I’m not sure if this is scummy NAI Squid or scummy AI Squid.