[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

And why do you think I’m scum? “Because you’re spewing agenda”
How am I spewing agenda? “I don’t know what agenda is”
Then how do you know I’m spewing agenda? “Because you’re scum”

It’s an endless cycle of agenda pushing and it makes me cringe and you accuse me of pushing agenda even though you don’t know what that is.

It’s like calling a tomato a vegetable because it doesn’t taste sweet, but a tomato is actually a fruit and it can taste sweet, so you don’t know what a tomato truly is

Okay, that example was really weird, but I think the rest proves my point

there is no majority nerdface

SDA must be scum! I scumread them for reasons! So they must be scum! I scumread them for reasons!

How to juggle your reads like a pro scum.

Nah I give actual reads as scum bro

Well my N0 is the guy with steve buscemi

Squid arete and you are pretty ez town
With small townlean for HTM Marshal and bepwei
Small scumlean for Ari_2412 but I will say its 100% gut
Scumreading SirDerps and the rest are rather null

Is there even a hammer if it’s plurality only?

If Squidderps is V/V this post is a bad look for Kyle, he could be trying to set up chain mislynches

no sir

Then why are people afraid of quickhammering?

hell if i know

/vote SirDerpsALot

Oh gee, it’s not like metas can change if the player’s aware of them or anything :roll_eyes:

Makes the CFD harder

It is an actual read. It’s just not a reasoned one.

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Yeah I give reasons as scum

Who do you think we should vote instead of you? Squid?


I think it’s just good to put as many thoughts out as you can. Where do you stand with reads arete?

lul do you?

ya went “marshal bad” with no reasoning like 80000000 times in vmmm before i pushed you to give some

Where do you Kyle?