[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

@eevee-sama Can we unvote by typing slash unvote in bold text?

How to provide cover
The trick with providing cover is in figuring out accurate fake peeks and maintaining those peeks as the day progresses. As you saw above, once you fake a peek on scum the scum team knows you are not the real seer and that limits the pool of potential people who can be the real seer. This being the case, it is almost always advisable to fake your “peek” on someone you are Town reading. In order to do this, it makes the most sense for everyone to hold off on dropping their fake peeks [and for the seer to hold off on dropping their real peek] until there is enough information in the thread to give everyone actual reads. It is always easier to maintain a fake peek on someone you are Town reading anyway.

Some people think it’s a good idea to drop their peek in their first post. While this might seem like a good idea, since statistically you are more likely to randomly choose a villager, you make it harder for the real seer to pretend their read could also be fake. This method also relies 100% on luck. While luck is certainly involved to a certain extent, we also like to think of this as a game of skill. So why not use your skills by waiting longer in order to improve your luck?

Make your peeks clear. Some people like to hide their fake peeks. This is a bad idea. If you get killed at night, you want your peeks to be OBVIOUS to the rest of the Town. This is especially true in Turbo games where every second counts. The less time the village has to spend figuring out your peeks, the easier it will be to soft clear Townies. Also, you will want your real seer to make their peeks obvious so you want to try to emulate that clarity. Using phrases like “if I’m the seer I peeked playerX Town n0” or simply “I peeked player Town last night” leave no doubt.

Once you have committed to a fake peek, you have to stick with that peek. If I call Thingy my n0 peek and I suddenly start suspecting him [even though the scum team knows he is Town], it becomes pretty clear to the scum team that I am not the real seer because I “dropped cover.” So if I call Thingy my n0 peek, he has to always be the “Towniest” person in all future reads lists.

The hardest time to maintain cover is when someone claims to be the real seer. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and evaluate the authenticity of that claim before you just drop your cover [by unvoting or high fiving or something like that]. Scum will often fake claim seer when caught to see how people react so their team mates might be able to find the real seer.

cop cover nerds

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for example.

My n0 peek is SirDerpsAlot.

he be townzo.

Don’t worry people! I know just the perfect way to slaughter scum, /vote scum.


it’s not luck

it’s statistics

im a scientist not a moron

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Human host answer:

No need to bold actually, still would do it so other players see votes easier.

This is same eevee bot, just rewriten with api access now.
No longer inefficient vote gathering, now processing 1000 posts per one request.

Better, Faster, STRONGER.

And still without good server to host it on. Duh.


/vote Arete

testing testing

check, one, two

Professor Honeydew or Beaker?

/vote Marshal

I want to test it out too!

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No wait, it isn’t Professor… I don’t think… HNGGGH

all of the muppets are weird figments of science.

except sam the eagle who is pure freedom


Also I got a random meme because I’m so bored.

Honeydew is a Doctor, not a Professor

…. I was close

whoever first posts a video of them singing rainbow connection get’s insta-locktowned by me.

this is not a joke.

this is science

I’m bored

insert question about your most recent completed game and what you learned from it

most recent completed game: Mountainous 15’er

lesson: you can’t just scream science at people and hope it works

i learned nothing

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My most recent completed game was a 2x5 on another site but instead of talking about that one I’m going to talk about the Mountainous game I just finished hosting

I feel that that game taught me a lot about distinguishing between scum and town progressions and identifying TMI, as well as dispelling some of my assumptions about how scum would tend to play (looks at the kill on Htm)

From the recent Mountainous game: I learned that my reads are usually horrible because I townread the whole scum-team last time…

On a more serious note, I learned that I should probably check people’s ISOs and not lock-town them for huge wallposts.

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