[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

I think that a merc/me lynch will solve the most slots.

Which tbh has kinda been my goal ever since I stopped trying to care about how I looked.

Eachother, for one.

/vote Htm

I think this slot has the highest likelihood of flipping scum

CFD there for a free wolf lynch

I like this post though
he is trying to redirect me to other targets, shifting my reads, so at first it is really scummy
however the other targets are the people I scumread the most
do I see Jake telling me to accuse their own teammates?

If someone who does not solve any slots flips scum, was it worthwhile to flip them?

however if Ash/Htm flips town we def going for Jake first since then the post gets just scummy

Accused Count Voters
Mercenary 4 ash4fun #1683, Htm #2149, Kyle_20#2169, JakeTheWolfie#2170
ash4fun 4 PoisonedSquid #1690, Mercenary #1720, bepwei #1776, Marshal #2124
Htm 2 Ari_2412 #1969, Arete#2187
Not Voting 1 Goalkeeperboss

Ngl, This absolutely screams chain lynch.

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I think Htm solves ~roughly as many slots as an Ash/Merc lynch with slightly higher chance of flipping scum

the whole slot-solving thing was based on the assumption that Ash/Htm are aligned, Merc/Squid are aligned, and the two pairs are not aligned

I asked you a question and you answered with a not-related answer.

the guy just deflected into you
read the content instead of shadowing like this

Also yes

Scum flips are basically always worthwhile

What slots in particular do each of them flipping would solve?


Either of you willing to CFD Htm?

If Ash does I’m doing it too

Other than mechanical reasons, would a scum flip that makes you believe the opposite of reality be worthwhile?

Why do you think Htm is scummier than Ash tho?

Sorry, but with that assumption, there’s really no way I can vote htm.

If we’re aligned, he must be town from my PoV.
If we aren’t, then it doesn’t have nearly as much slot-solving value as the two of us.

If we start from the given assumption then flipping any of them solves all three of them then flipping Htm solves all three of them

if we don’t start with that assumption then flipping Ash or Merc doesn’t solve more

also that depends somewhat on who ends up actually willing to CFD them

Who does htm solve? I still think ash flips scum, but I feel like scum wouldnt be this loud after being a main wagon for 2 days

What if you and Merc are V/V

Is that a possibility

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