[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

Right, nevermind.


You’re currently voting Merc

What slots do you think Merc solves and how does it solve them

Incredibly hot take that I’ll probably rethink if I think about it for two minutes

Merc and Ash are the same alignment

Yours. If Merc flips scum, I’d think that your scumquity goes up. Same for if htm flips town.

If htm is scum, I might believe that.

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Do you think Merc/Ash are TvT, TvS, or SvS?

Also if Htm flips scum Jake is out of the towncore

this EoD be like




So in worlds where Merc and I were W/W why would I be pushing Htm here rather than Ash?

Anyways the Merc/Ash wagons don’t feel TvS to me

no one is actually acting like they care about which one gets flipped

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which is why I think Merc/Ash are likely the same alignment

In either world where you pushed Ash or htm and they flipped town, that’s a world where you’re one step closer to winning as scum.

It’s like


Remember all the vote switching that happened EoD2 in FM1? This is like the exact opposite of that

what’a FM

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Or was back when it was you/Merc I mean

I agree.

It would have been soooo easy to just be like “um, bot’ of deese schmucks are preeety scummy, but I’m tinkin’ dat ash is da scummier.”

It was on another site

D2 wagons were W/V/V all very close (until right before EoD when suddenly it was W/V very close)


It is technically possible that Ash/Merc is W/W and they were hoping to thunderdome to clear each other

but I don’t think that’s how Ash would play D2 in most circumstances and I don’t think that’s what’s actually happening

I think there’s fewer people on (maybe?) and I think there’s still plenty of vote flipping.