[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

Could you explain how you came to that conclusion? Is it a result of NKA on your part?

actually I don’t find NKA very useful because it could be anyone but us two
since we were the only people pressured yesterday
DADV was the literal epytome of yesterday

Who might think to kill the confirmed townie?

I think we could try to do an NKA for why some people weren’t killed despite being active members in the Towncore

If it’s a play by someone who is currently under the FoS, it shows a considerable amount of self-restaint.

ngl, I do kinda feel like the NK points to marshal. He’s clearly (sort of) got arete pocketed, and the kill outside the, um, useful-town core supports that idea

It points to anyone that is not one of us two.

but I really don’t want to do an iso of marshal pls help

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The inactives aren’t being pressured or don’t know much jackshit about threadstate
Arete wouldn’t kill himself
Marshal and Squid aren’t being pressured

Can you tell me where you first ran across the idea of this being a good idea in vanilla setups

Not sure I quite agree with that. I don’t quite understand that progression

Also, in general I think a NK points only to the person who’s making the decisions, which wouldn’t be us in most cases.
Then again, I do kinda feel like I would have killed arete. maybe. zero is the amount ive thought about it tho

It’s not completely vanilla

what is the main difference between vanilla setup and all-vanilla roles?

I know that all-vanilla roles is called mountainous, but…?

Vanilla here means “most people aren’t PRs, and roles that exist are basically normal”

That’s called normal

Anyway, that’s an unuseful tangent.

Back to NKA?

Why wasn’t someone in the towncore killed?

I mean, GKB was obviously in the Towncore by default, but I mean the towncore that is actually active.

I mean, I don’t have a solid answer.

Would you want to look at that, and maybe make a 3x3 of who you think is most likely to nk GKB?

Alright guys
Tell me one+ person you scumread that isn’t on the turning point (no Arete/Me/Ash).