[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

Kyle hasn’t done much though or at least anything memorable

Marshal is Hard-defending Bep here. Why would they do that?

/vote Bepwei

Im on break currently, but to answer what wazza said i said out of the blue. It was because i was catching up on the thread and i saw that arete had voted marshal and scumread them. I don’t feel like that’s something they would do at this point in the game. There’s not really a reaaon to bus them as friends

Had a feeling, it just caught me off-guard.

I’m leaving my vote on Marshal unless my vote on Bep is really needed.

“Marshal did something scummy. Let’s vote bepwei!”

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I have like 10 minutes or so to switch my vote before i have to go again. I will be reading through but any thoughts would be good to hear now

Well I think that they’re a team.

Accused Votes Voters
Bepwei 3 PoisonedSquid #2928, Arete #2840, JakeTheWolfie #2948
Marshal 2 ash4fun #2848, WazzaAzza #2909
WazzaAzza 1 Marshal #2688
Mercenary 1 Kyle20 #2477
Kyle20 1 Mercenary #2793
Not Voting 1 bepwei

It appears bepwei is where the wagon is leaning, besides the fact that they are or aren’t scum, would that give us good information about the rest of the scum here?

Possibly with their behavior on the Ari/Wazza slot

If you think they’re a team, who solves more?

bep solves maybe ari/wazza

I feel like marshal solves you, bep, maybe kyle

or just generally more than bep.

Yeah but Wazza is on Marshal’s wagon.

I have meta on Ari now if people want


It turns out that he totally is TWTBAW as wolf too

oh yeah, you just finished FM2 with him.

nice lylo derp ya got there



Possibly hotter than lukewarm take:

Marshal/Jake/Kyle is the scumteam

or maybe swap bep for kyle

Well you have at least 1 wrong.

But the others I could maybe see on a scumteam.

Wazza is the better vote here.

Bep solves jack.