[VFM] Cop 13er - The Muppets! [Town wins]

I think this is a very favorable situation for them.

And both jumped off at roughly the same time, after the derps wagon was very secure.
Worst case, other people follow them, and they mislynch a different townie.

/vote Marshal

I know I said like two minutes ago that this wasn’t what I wanted but I kiiiiinda want to see what happens if I tie the wagons

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We’re just going to get a random lynch…

(Now I have to make sure I haven’t completely botched the VC’s)

Tied wagons getting random’d gives us useful info

Someone breaking the tie gives us super useful info

I don’t want this to be a Day 2 situation where we stray from the intended target onto a random person

Eevee is RNGing it, right, not doing it like VMMM?

Who is the “intended target” in your opinion?

who/what make it so?

No, there’s just a No lynch I believe.

I’m saying mafia is afk since SoD

So either we decide on a lynch or we do a No Lynch @Arete

I’m talking about Bep with their behavior towards Ari

Can someone get on Bep’s wagon? We can’t risk a No-Lynch here.

It’s because scum are slankers

@eevee-sama what happens when wagons are tied

We have 8 minutes, Eevee said they are tired, we don’t have time for this crap

I mean
I don’t really want to risk a no-lynch if that might be what eevee is doing

Eevee won’t have time to answer.

/vote Bepwei


I feel like I’m letting town down by failing to be fully invested in this game